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Then I'll dress in a different rig and he won't know me any more than I'd know the old clipper North Star after they turned her into a coal barge." "You really mean that, Ben?" "Do I really mean it," echoed Ben, "well, watch me. Hullo!" he exclaimed suddenly, "there goes the last whistle. Well, good-by for the present and give me your address and I'll let you know as soon as I find out anything.

I felt easier and breathed freer after reaching the open air, in defiance of the dust, which filled the heavens, and almost blinded me; and while I was picking my way through the street, with half-closed eyes, whom should I meet but Mr. Brown. "Hullo," he shouted, "what is up?"

He pulled her down to the arm of his chair, and for a moment they huddled together, cheek on cheek. The opening of the door made Joanna spring virtuously upright. It was Sir Harry. "Hullo, Joanna! you here. Hullo, Martin! The lovely Raddish says you've come home middling queer. I hope that doesn't mean anything serious." "I've got some sort of a chill, and I feel a beast.

I want to give you some details." "I'll be there in half an hour and all ready for the job." Adam Adams busied himself in various ways, and at the end of half an hour, a well-dressed, middle-aged man came in, carrying a small sample case in one hand. "Hullo, going to be a commercial traveler yourself, eh?" commented the detective.

The fan-tails strutted vaingloriously; Maudie lay in the sun on the stable wall; and Billy Bluff's kennel was empty. "Hullo, where's Bill?" cried the young man. "Some idiot's let him off his chain," grumbled the girl. "Just like them. A hunting morning." A great gray horse, led by little Jerry, was feeling his way through the stable-door.

After what had passed they did not feel called upon to give the bully and his companions more than a cold nod. "Well, be as stuck up as you like to this after-noon!" sneered Jack, after they had gone by, taking good care, however, that his voice would not carry. "I guess the laugh will be on you and your old friend of the island to-morrow." "Hullo, Hiram; where are you bound for?"

"And we jolly sailor boys were sitting up aloft, And the land-lubbers lying down below, below, below, And the land-lubbers lying down below. "Hullo! Who's that? Oh, you, doctor! I say, what a time you've been! I'm so hungry. Mayn't I get up?"

We ain't fishing for grampuses," shouted Tom across the stream. "Hullo, Brown! here's something for you," called out the reading man next moment. "Why, your old master, Arnold of Rugby, is dead." Tom's hand stopped half-way in his cast, and his line and flies went all tangling round and round his rod; you might have knocked him over with a feather.

"Hullo, hullo," said some one, "this is getting lively." Another of the party walked to the door and turned the key, and several others hastily finished up the contents of their glasses. Roger needed all his nerve to keep cool under the circumstances, but he succeeded. All eyes were turned to the young gentleman, whose move it clearly was next.

"Vere are those oders?" asked Von Baumser, peering about through the darkness. "If dere is justice in de country, dey vill hang for the work of dis night." "They are off," the major answered, laying the girl's head reverently down again. "It's hopeless to follow them, as we know nothing of the counthry, nor which direction they took. They ran like madmen. Hullo! What the divil can this be?"