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Strike up, you mummies, or you pay yourselves for what you drink to-night. Soul of desires!" as the musicians grabbed up their instruments, and a leaping, lilting, quick-beating air went rollicking out over the hubbub "a quadrille, you angels of inspiration! Partners, gentlemen! Partners, ladies! A quadrille! A quadrille!"

They all laughed; a faint smile even ventured across Agnes’s pale face, while Daniel, frightened from his room by the hubbub, came out and stood in the kitchen door and laughed with the rest. “Do you see, Daniel, do you see? They all eat out of my hand,” said Dorothea contentedly. “They all eat out of my hand. That’s the way I like to have things. To your health, folks!”

Already the attack on the gate had begun, a passage was quickly made, and by the time Iberville had forced open the doors of the blockhouse, his followers making a wild hubbub as of a thousand men, De Troyes and his party were at his heels. Before the weak garrison could make resistance they were in the hands of their enemies, and soon were gathered in the yard men, women, and children.

Lady Tressady joined in with little shrieks and sallies, the other guests of the house gathered round, and the hero of the day was once more lost to sight and hearing amid the general hubbub of talk and laughter for the young man in knickerbockers, at any rate, who stood a little way off from the rest.

Therewith fell the hubbub of voices, and there came forth three men with great harps, and a fourth man with them, who was the minstrel; and the harpers smote their harps so that the roof rang therewith, and the noise, though it was great, was tuneable, and when they had played thus a little while, they abated their loudness somewhat, and the minstrel lifted his voice and sang: The land lies black With winter's lack, The wind blows cold Round field and fold; All folk are within, And but weaving they win.

"How are you, snob? Don't you want your oar?" and such things, every boy contributing at least a few selections to the general hubbub, the black dog on the bank emitting shrill, ear-splitting barks of distress. "Give me back my oar," roared Joel, sitting very straight and unconsciously rolling up his sleeves. "Hi there!

While he was being rescued with great difficulty from their clutches by the German governess, a voice was heard amid the hubbub, that of a pretty little blonde, saying to a small Scottish youth with whom she had danced the whole evening, "How odd of Nais to invite little boys of that age!" "That's easily explained," said the Scottish youth; "he's a boy of the Treasury department.

Oakshott to-night, or whether we should reserve it for to-morrow. It is clear from what that surly fellow said that there are others besides ourselves who are anxious about the matter, and I should " His remarks were suddenly cut short by a loud hubbub which broke out from the stall which we had just left.

The pretty double drawing-room was full of people, and as everyone seemed to be talking at once, Vincent's name was merely an unimportant contribution to the general hubbub.

My companions shouted, and collected into a knot; whereupon, at once dominating and quelling the tense, painful hubbub of sounds, there rang forth the voice of Ossip. "Mother of God!" he shouted. "Scatter, lads! Get away from one another, and keep each to himself! Now! Courage!"