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"I thought so myself, too," observed Sullivan, who also seemed to have been a good deal perplexed and awed by the impression; "but of coorse I agree wid Donnel, that it was the unsteady light of the rush that made us think so; howaniver, it doesn't matther now; move or no move, it won't bring him that owned it back to us, so God rest him! and now, Bridget, thry an' get us some-thin' to ait."

"Ha!" he exclaimed, "I undherstand now why they used to be whisperin' together so often, and lookin' at me; but indeed they might spake loud enough now, for I'm so deaf that I can hardly hear anything. Howaniver, Ned, listen they all intend to go, you say; now listen, I say I know one that won't go; now, do you hear that?

A boy from the Esker got one of them through the brain, and fell stone dead; two others we can't mention names was wounded, and it was well we got them off safe. So there's our night's work for us. Howaniver, the day's comin' when we'll pay them for all."

"Why, you see, we went back when we heard that the house was to be attacked, and only he escaped the way he did, it wouldn't be attacked; howaniver, you know it's wid O'Driscol a short cooser to him, too, and he'll get it it's wid O'Driscol he stops. So off we went, and waited in Barney Broghan's still-house, where we had a trifle to dhrink."

Howaniver, she is gone. I got her off, an' now the place is I clear of the unfortunate creature. The lord look to her!" The servants then withdrew, and Norton made his parting bow to Lord Cullamore, whom we now leave to his meditations on the subject of this interview. Sir Thomas Gourlay Charged Home by the Stranger with the Removal and Disappearance of his Brother's Son.