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The idea would be to call the first of the clubs, the club of inventors, the Look-Up Club. The second, a club of how-men and engineers, the Try-Out Club, and the third the operating club of the vast body of the people taking direct action and putting the thing through locally and nationally would be called The Put-Through Clan.

The American engineers of business or great executives the how-men and inventors of how to bring things to pass, must put forward the pursuit of mutual interests in the largest sense, pursuit of mutual interests generously and finely conceived, the selfishness and unselfishness mixed, as this substitute. The Engineer At Work.

I propose a club of fifty thousand creative men be selected and act together that a nation may be conceived. I propose that fifty thousand engineers or how-men, men who think out ways and means, be selected and act together, that the nation that is conceived may be born.