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'It's this way, said Tony, 'all the House-prefects have been sent out to look for Thomson. He's not come back. 'Not come back, sir! 'No. Bit queer, isn't it? The last anybody saw of him was when he dropped out of the long race near Parker's Spinney. 'I seen him later than that, Mr Graham. He come on to the grounds while I was mowing the cricket field. 'Not really? When was that? 'Four.

The only other house-prefects were, strangely enough, the redoubtable Cully and Johnson, who had sought consolation by retiring together to a café in the town. So, when Salome arrived at Fillet's study, there were no prefects available to disband the rebels. What was he to do? It would be quite inexpedient for a master to venture himself into the field of fire.

Having decided to go, Fenn began to consider how he should do it. And here circumstances favoured him. It happened that on the evening on which his brother's play was to be produced the headmaster was giving his once-a-term dinner to the house-prefects. This simplified matters wonderfully.

My own house-prefects and boys do not willingly complain of each other besought me to get rid of them. You say you have their confidence, Gillett: they may tell you another tale. As far as I am concerned, they may go to the devil in their own way. I'm sick and tired of them," said Prout bitterly. "Come in, Padre, come in," said Stalky, thrusting forward the best chair.

That was how it was, Padre. I don't know what happened after that." "I was too truthful," said Beetle. "I always am. You see, he was under an impression, Padre, and I suppose I ought to have corrected that impression; but of course I couldn't be quite certain that his house wasn't given over to money-lendin', could I? I thought the house-prefects might know more about it than I did. They ought to.

To-day, however, though the house-prefects expressed varying degrees of excitement at the news that Tyldesley had made a century against Gloucestershire, and that a butter famine was expected in the United States, these world-shaking news-items seemed to leave Adair cold. He champed his bread and marmalade with an abstracted air. He was wondering what to do in this matter of Stone and Robinson.

As a rule he had ten minutes with the daily paper before the bell rang, and it was his practice to hand on the results of his reading to Adair and the other house-prefects, who, not having seen the paper, usually formed an interested and appreciative audience.

'I want a word with him on the subject of short cuts. I say, is there much excitement about this? 'Rather. All the House-prefects are out after you. We've been looking in Parker's Spinney, and Tony was reluctantly compelled to knock out a keeper who tried to stop us. You should have been there. It was a rag. 'Wish I had been. Hullo, is that the Babe come back? It was.

" I was forced to send them back. Their moral influence was unspeakable simply unspeakable." And bit by bit he told his tale, beginning with Beetle's usury, and ending with the house-prefects' appeal. "Beetle in the ro'le of Shylock is new to me," said King, with twitching lips. "I heard rumors of it " "Before?" said Prout. "No, after you had dealt with them; but I was careful not to inquire.

After prayers, on the road to the dormitories, Harrison and Craye, senior house-prefects, zealous in their office, waylaid them with great anger. "What have you been doing to Heffy this time, Beetle? He's been jawing us all the evening." "What has His Serene Transparency been vexin' you for?" said McTurk.