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The present writer, near the middle of the nineteenth century, knew a lady of family, position and property who was fond of the phrase, "hail-fellow-well-met," but always turned it into "Fellowship Wilmot" a pretty close parallel to "horsemangander" for "horse-godmother". Extension with levelling of education, and such processes as those which have turned "Sissiter" into "Syrencesster" and "Kirton" into "Credd-itt-on", have made the phenomenon rarer: but have also made such a locus classicus of the habit as this all the more valuable and amusing.

Rouzed by this insulting supposition, and despising every kind of cowardice, I immediately crossed over and took my seat by her side. 'Men fellows are very rude horse-godmother kind of creatures, said the young lady. The colour flushed in my face. 'Men fellows? Horse-godmother? It was strange! I was more than half afraid she meant me.

Foker expressing his opinion against sporting females, and pointing out Lady Bullfinch, who happened to pass by, as a horse-godmother, whom he had seen at cover with a cigar in her face, Blanche too expressed her detestation of the sports of the field, and said it would make her shudder to think of a dear sweet little fox being killed, on which Foker laughed and waltzed with renewed vigour and grace.

The innocent soul, that had felt her delicacy so much disturbed by the horse-godmother rudeness of the men-fellows! 'Bless me! said I. She had not time to attend to me. 'What the d mn t n is the matter? said Hector. 'Why was not I let in? Who have you here? 'Here! answered the sweet creature. 'How can you suppose I have any body here?

How do, Pitt? How do, my dear? Come to see the old man, hay? 'Gad you've a pretty face, too. You ain't like that old horse-godmother, your mother. Come and give old Pitt a kiss, like a good little gal." The embrace disconcerted the daughter-in-law somewhat, as the caresses of the old gentleman, unshorn and perfumed with tobacco, might well do.