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It was not my place to volunteer advice, but I could have told him what would happen. Two days later her ladyship slips away to London early in the morning, and they're married at a registry-office. That is why I say that you are going the wrong way to work with Miss Elsa, sir. With certain types of 'igh spirited young lady hopposition is useless.

You can't cure a man what has got that by hopposition. Now, if you will permit me to offer a word of advice, sir, I say, let Miss Elsa 'ave all the poetry she wants. Martin was conscious of one coherent feeling at the conclusion of this address, and that was one of amazed gratitude.

He says: "This is at bottom the trouble with the diplomatists of Europe, with prime ministers, and with leaders of ''Er Majesty's Hopposition.... Even men of intelligence.... can make nothing of the central truth of our system.... In my house, once, an English gentleman of great intelligence told me that he had visited the White House, and was most glad to pay his respects to 'the Ruler of our Great Nation. Poor man! he thought he would please me!

'Only it happens to be a crow in a beech, said Martin, as the bird flew out. Elsa's chin tilted itself in scorn. Martin turned on his heel and walked away. 'It's the wrong way, sir; it's the wrong way, said a voice. 'I was hobserving you from a window, sir. It's Lady Angelica over again. Hopposition is useless, believe me, sir. Martin faced round, flushed and wrathful.

Kitey Graves wasn't in great force, so after I had sung Bid me Discourse, and I'd be a Butterfly, I cut my stick and went to the hopposition shop, where they used me much more genteelly; giving me three tickets for a song, and introducing me in more flattering terms to the company don't like being considered one of the nasty 'reglars, and they should make a point of explaining that one isn't.