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"Neither one!" cried Estelle. "We want him for a man out at Oak Farm. He's been shot an accident in the play. Tell him to hurry, please, and then show us some way of getting out through a side door. I can't face that crowd this way," and she looked down at her elaborate hoop-skirted costume, which might have been all right in the days of sixty-three, but which was unique at the present time.

"I'll agree to the scarf" she drew a soft, silken, fringed shawl about her and immediately one thought of a certain vivid, brilliant portrait of a hoop-skirted dancer "but don't ask me to sit down. I'd rebound like a toy balloon. I've got to convince you of this thing. I'll have to do it standing." Buck sank into his chair and dabbed at his forehead with his handkerchief.

Imagine a woman trying to climb a Fifth Avenue 'bus in one of those things. Fancy her in a hot set of tennis. Women use street-cars, automobiles, airships. Can you see a subway train full of hoop-skirted clerks, stenographers, and models? Street-car steps aren't built for it. Office-building elevators can't stand for it. Six-room apartments won't accommodate 'em.

They were such as know beauty by convention only, and find it lip-ringed, hoop-skirted, tattooed, or corsetted, as time and place decree. The change in Zora, however, had been neither cataclysmic nor revolutionary and it was yet far very far from complete. She still ran and romped in the woods, and dreamed her dreams; she still was passionately independent and "queer."