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She hadn't known he'd earned that been acclaimed by his peers as having honor so uncompromising it couldn't be questioned. So much for the lady Arden's and her own hope of some clemency, Dana thought. Yet Arden must have known the Alanna was entitled to honor-black . . . Urged forward by one of her guards, Dana approached the Bench and, before she could be prompted, knelt.

You should be starting to feel the aftereffects of the energine, so Meara, our senior w'woman, will care for you until you wake and when you are recovered enough, we will have a party to welcome you into Alanna, the warrior caste, and the ranks of those who wear honor-black." He smiled, and Dana could almost feel the lightening of the clan's mood.

The first clan formed after Overthrow is named for Lord Vader, for instance, and the clothing they call honor-black is based on his armor and robes. They put a lot of effort into developing real lightsabers, too I got mine as a death-gift from the warrior Leigh DarVader, and I wear it on ceremonial occasions or when I'm in Sandeman territory."

Moments later the bay's inner lock cycled open and a small group of warriors approached him, the central one wearing honor-black. Medart straightened, then bowed and addressed that one. "I am Prince James Medart of the Empire in Alternate Alpha Prime. You do me honor, Warleader, wearing ceremonials. Am I prisoner, or guest?" The Sandeman returned the bow.