United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We came through a courtyard at the north side of the building, and the courtyard was crowded with automobiles of all the known European sizes and patterns and shapes automobiles for scout duty, with saw-edged steel prows curving up over the drivers' seats to catch and cut dangling wires; automobiles fitted as traveling pharmacies and needing only red- and-green lights to be regular prescription drug stores; automobile- ambulances rigged with stretchers and first-aid kits; automobiles for carrying ammunition and capable of moving at tremendous speed for tremendous distances; automobile machine guns or machine-gun automobiles, just as suits you; automobile cannon; and an automobile mail wagon, all holed inside, like honeycomb, with two field-postmen standing up in it, back to back, sorting out the contents of snugly packed pouches; and every third letter was not a letter, strictly speaking, at all, but a small flat parcel containing chocolate or cigars or handkerchiefs or socks or even light sweaters such gifts as might be sent to the soldiers, stamp-free, from any part of the German Empire.

He paid no attention to their request, but gave the tree a second and a third blow with his axe. When he reached the hollow of the tree, he found a hive full of honey. Having tasted the honeycomb, he threw down his axe, and looking on the tree as sacred, took great care of it. Self-interest alone moves some men. The Two Soldiers and the Robber

Such a thing had never been seen or heard of a hundred-weight of quartz and gold, and beautiful as it was great. It was like honeycomb, the cells of which had been sliced by a knife; the shining metal brimmed over in the delicate quartz cells. They lifted it. Yes, full a hundredweight; half the mass was quartz, but four-fifths of the weight they knew must be gold.

While he was sitting in his lonely chamber, with his untasted meal of ripe figs, and delicate white bread, and milk and honeycomb before him, devouring his own heart in his fiery anguish, and striving with all his energies of intellect to devise some scheme by which he might escape the perils that seemed to hem him round on every side, his faithful freedman entered, bearing a little billet, on which his eye had scarcely fallen before he recognized the shapely characters of Julia’s well-known writing.

"APER." Well tusked, with a head of maize in his mouth; at least I suppose it to be maize, though shaped like a pine-cone. Sixth side. "CHANIS." With a bone, very ill cut; and a bald-headed species of dog, with ugly flap ears. Seventh side. Eighth side. "URSUS." With a honeycomb, covered with large bees. SECTION XCIX. TWENTY-FIRST CAPITAL. Represents the principal inferior professions.

"Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck. "Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue. "A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. "How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights!

Fermented in water with wild honey and the honeycomb, it makes a pleasant, mildly intoxicating drink. Next to spring, the best time to visit Shoshone Land is when the deer-star hangs low and white like a torch over the morning hills. Go up past Winnedumah and down Saline and up again to the rim of Mesquite Valley.

As I am being doctored a little I do not think I shall be able to accept your kind invitation at present, but trust to be able to do so during the summer. I beg you to accept a wild honeycomb from the island of Timor, not quite perfect but the best I could get. It is of a small size, but of characteristic form, and I think will be interesting to you.

A better scheme is to use a loose coupler formed of two or three honeycomb or other compact coils, while a variocoupler or a variometer or two will produce the maximum regenerative action. The Simplest Type of Regenerative Receiving Set. With Loose Coupled Tuning Coil.

"Paul, M. Destournelle, come here," she cried, "and at once!" But Richard was more than ever tired. The strain of waiting had been too prolonged. Lights, draperies, figures, the crowded arena, the vast honeycomb of boxes, tier above tier, swam before his eyes, blurred, indistinct, vague, shifting, colossal in height, giddy in depth.