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But I sez, "I dassent, I'm afraid it would open his woonds afresh, he knowed all the circumstances that had caused his sickness." But he wuz a Homeopath and believed in takin' the same kind of medicine backward and forward as it were, sunthin' as the poem runs: Tobacco hic when you're well will make you sick, Tobacco hic will make you well when you're sick.

On the wall the letters from some Petersburg homeopath, in Marfa Petrovna's opinion a very celebrated and great man, hang under glass in a gilt frame, and there also is a portrait of Father Aristark, to whom the lady owes her salvation that is, the renunciation of pernicious allopathy and the knowledge of the truth. In the vestibule patients are sitting waiting, for the most part peasants.

I ran and took her in my arms, and lavished caresses upon her and said, beseechingly: "Speak, darling, speak! What is it?" Her head fell limp upon my bosom, and she gasped, almost inaudibly: "HELLO-CENTRAL!" "Quick!" I shouted to Clarence; "telephone the king's homeopath to come!"

If he were a homeopath, I know I should; for if a billionth of a grain of sugar won't begin to sweeten my tea or coffee, I don't feel afraid that a billionth of a grain of anything would poison me, no, not if it were snake-venom; and if it were not disgusting, I would swallow a handful of his lachesis globules, to please my husband.

The discovery of the minute cell as the basis of the human organism on the one hand and of the unlimited divisibility of matter on the other hand explains the rationality of the infinitesimal dose. Health and disease are resident in the cell; therefore, the homeopath doctors the cell, and the size of the dose has to be apportioned to the size of the patient. When Dr.

Another year went by, and I was beginning to prosper in my new mode of life. I solemnly believe that I should have continued to succeed in the practice of my profession if it had not happened that fate was once more unkind to me, by throwing in my path one of my old acquaintances. I had a consultation one day with the famous homeopath Dr. Zwanzig.

Still, there wasn't much sickness, and I don't reckon the homeopath ever did winter through. I was livin' with the Bar T outfit on the Oscura range, at that time. "Next doctor that come along was a ostypath." Curly took a chew of tobacco, and paused a moment reflectively. "I said the first feller drifted into vet'inary lines, didn't I?" he resumed. "Well, the ostypath did, too.

When we visit a doctor, we find out before hand whether he is a surgeon or a diagnostician or a homeopath or a faith healer, for we want to know from what angle he will look at our complaint. We ought to be as careful in the choice of our historians as we are in the selection of our physicians. We think, "Oh well, history is history," and let it go at that.

"The first doctor that ever come out here for to alleviate us fellers," he went on, "why, he settled over on the Sweetwater. He was a allopath from Bitter Creek. What medicine that feller did give! He gradual drifted into the vet'inary line. "Then there come a homeopath that was after a good many women folks had settled in along the railroad over west.

"I told you I was a homeopath," expostulated Ethelwynne, "how was I to know that allopaths always swallow their pills whole?" "Wh-wh-why did you suppose it was coated with chocolate?" gasped Agnes. "So as to improve the taste of course and tempt me to eat it. I am fond of chocolate. If it is my duty to eat a pill, I want it to be inviting.