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But this is reduced to a very little, if thou only circumscribest it, and chidest thy mind if it is unable to hold out against even this. Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus? Does Chaurias or Diotimus sit by the tomb of Hadrianus? That would be ridiculous.

Billie exerted every ounce of his strength to free himself from the terrible hold, while the ape fought even more fiercely to retain its grip and to gain possession of the weapon.

You ought to hold a mass meeting about it: pass a resolution something like this: "This meeting of British Christians hereby indignantly protests against the action of the Supreme Being in having created so many foreigners, and calls upon him to forthwith rain down fire, brimstone and mighty rocks upon the heads of all those Philistines, so that they may be utterly exterminated from the face of the earth, which rightly belongs to the British people".

The rarest of literary qualities is originality. Most writers are mere echoes, and the greater part of literature is the pouring out of one bottle into another. If you can get hold of the few really best books, you can well afford to be ignorant of all the rest. The reader who has mastered Kames's "Elements of Criticism," need not spend his time over the multitudinous treatises upon rhetoric.

"Her name's Helen Rayner," replied Beasley, eagerly. "She's twenty years old. All of them Auchinclosses was handsome an' they say she's the handsomest." "A-huh!... Beasley, this 's sure a bigger deal an' one I ain't fancyin'.... But I never doubted your word.... Come on an' talk out. What's in it for me?" "Don't let any one in on this. You two can hold up the stage.

We may be sure that neither the physical pain of victims burning in a slow fire, nor the mental pain of yielding up whatever we hold dearest upon earth, will make our views of duty a particle clearer or our notion of divinity a jot nobler; and whatever does neither of these is not of true religion. The theory of sacrifice is intimately related with the idea of sin.

In an hour, in half an hour, in ten minutes, he would see her, would hold her hands in his, would hear her say that she loved him, would look unreproved into the depths of her proud eyes, would see them sink before his. Not a regret now for White's! Or the gaming table! Or Mrs. Cornelys' and Betty's! Gone the blasé insouciance of St. James's. The whole man was set on his mistress.

This holy person addressed me very affably in Italian; but we found it impossible to hold much conversation. The evening was beautiful, with a bright young moonlight, not yet sufficiently powerful to overwhelm the stars, and as we walked the deck, Miss M showed the children the constellations, and told their names.

He had ordered in defiance of his political principles the Morning Standard, and I had found him reading Jevons's novel and surrounded by numbers of the Blue Review, which, if you remember, published the best of Jevons's earlier work. He had no difficulty in getting hold of them; his youngest daughter had been able to supply him with more Jevons than he wanted.

I would rather cut figures that look natural." "That's right," said the Emperor, "you will be a man, indeed; always hold to that which is natural and you will not fail." At that moment the Emperor drew a leather bag from his velvet riding jacket and gave it to the boy. "Be careful of it. Save the golden florins within; give them to no one.