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"I thought," said I, "that among you republicans, there were no gradations of rank or office, and that all were equal, the hog-reave and the governor, the judge and the crier, the master and his servant; and although, from the natur' of things, more power might be entrusted to one than the other, yet that the rank of all was precisely the same."

So one day, up to Town Hall, where there was an oration to be delivered on our Independence, jist afore the orator commenced, in runs Jehiel in a most all-fired hurry; and, says he, 'I wonder, says he, 'if there's ary a hog-reave here? because if there be I require a turn of his office. And then, said he, a-lookin' up to me and callin' out at the tip eend of his voice, 'Mr.

One's arm gets plaguy tired, that's a fact. I often think of a lesson I larnt Jehiel Quirk once, for lettin' his tongue outrun his good manners. "I was down to Rhode Island one summer to larn gildin' and bronzin', so as to give the finishin' touch to my clocks. Well, the folks elected me a hog-reave, jist to poke fun at me, and Mr. Jehiel, a bean pole of a lawyer, was at the bottom of it.

Hog-reave Slick, says he, 'here's a job out here for you. Folks snickered a good deal, and I felt my spunk a-risin' like half flood, that's a fact; but I bit in my breath, and spoke quite cool. 'Possible? says I; 'well, duty, I do suppose, must be done, though it ain't the most agreeable in the world.