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REPASTINATIONES: 'repeated hoeings'. The pastinum was a kind of pitchfork, used for turning over the ground round about the vines, particularly when the young plants were being put in. MULTO TERRA FECUNDIOR: see n. on 3 parum ... auctoritatis. IN EO LIBRO: see Introd.

The rains are expected here when the Pleiades appear in the east soon after sunset; they go by the same name here as further south Lemila or the "hoeings." In the route along the Rovuma, we pass among people who are so well supplied with white calico by the slave-trade from Kilwa, that it is quite a drug in the market: we cannot get food for it.

Instead of being planted, as at first, in separate holes, the seed came to be drilled and plants grown at intervals of one or two feet on ridges five or six feet apart; and the number of hoeings was increased.

You have only to keep the ground clean and mellow by frequent hoeings until the nights grow cooler and longer, and rains thoroughly moisten the soil. About the middle of August the plants should be thrifty and spreading, and now require the first operation, which will make them crisp and white or golden for the table.

During most of the colonial period the main recourse was to the inland swamps, which could be flooded only from reservoirs of impounded rain or brooks. The frequent shortage of water in this régime made the flooding irregular and necessitated many hoeings of the crop.

Then began a steady repetition of hoeings and plowings, broken by the rush after a rain to replant the hills whose first plants had died or grown twisted. Then came also several operations of special tedium.