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'Beg your pardon, Sir, replied Sam; 'wot wos you graciously pleased to hobserve? 'I apprehend, young man, that your nature is no softer for this chastening, said Mr. Stiggins, in a loud voice. 'Sir, replied Sam, 'you're wery kind to say so. I hope my natur is NOT a soft vun, Sir. Wery much obliged to you for your good opinion, Sir.

Diggs persuasively. "In merry England we hobserve it er you might say religiously, and without fear of future complications. It can be done in a dignified fashion if " "I don't want to have it done in a dignified fashion," protested Melissa, lifting her round little chin and pursing her lips invitingly. "Do it as if you liked it, not as if you wanted to be religious." Mr.

"Naw, then," he said, "hobserve! There's my henemy. See 'is hugly mug. Hn-gah! Pint!!!" At the words of command, the sergeant major threw himself into his guard and attacked with such appalling ferocity as must have paralysed an ordinary foe, sending his bayonet clean through to his guard, and recovering it with a clean, swift movement.

"This 'ere, gossips," the Barbarian instantly detected the fallacy of all the so-called mediaeval jargon he had read, "is the Helectric Bell, which does away with our hold, hordinary 'orn blowin', and the hattendant waitin' in the 'all for the usual 'Without there, who waits? which all of us was accustomed to in mortal flesh. You hobserve this button.

"And now, Diggs, THAT being settled, is everything else all right?" He surveyed the great, gaily bedecked room with an eye that took in the smallest detail. "I think so, sir," said Diggs, slowly recovering. "You will hobserve, sir, that I have added the necessary new chair the 'igh-chair over here, sir, for little Miss Him Imogene." "I see. We make it a point, Mr.