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"But Slocum's Yard can," said Richard, irritated to observe the influence Torrini exerted on even such men as Denyven. "That's between you and him, sir, of course, but" "But what?" "Well, isr, I can't say hexactly; but if I was you I would bide a bit." "No, I think Torrini's time has come." "I don't make bold to advise you, sir. I merely throws out the hobservation."

Harris," said Rhoda, "would you mind telling Mr. Vizard?" "Well, miss," said Harris, softly, "I did step in and tell him. Which he told me to go to the devil, miss a hobservation I never knew him to make before." This was not encouraging. Yet the Klosking quietly inquired where he was. "In there, ma'am," said Harris. "In his study."

Yer says, and werry truly, just now, that changing the stable don't change an 'orse into a hass, or a hass into an 'orse. That is werry true, most true, none but a eddicated man could 'ave made that 'ere hobservation. I likes yer for it. Give us yer 'and. The public just thinks too much of the stable, and not enough of what's inside.

"Yes, Short and Long," said Jess. "Why the 'orrid hobservation about poor Purt?" Perhaps Billy Long would have blurted out something, had not another incident taken place which so excited all the young people that they forgot Purt Sweet and his foibles. The group had reached Lakeside Avenue, which overlooked many shore estates and some private docks.

To Robinson's repeated and uneasy inquiries what meant this pantomime, Jem persisted in returning no answer but this: "You want your dinner, captain; eat your dinner, and then I'll hoffer a hobservation; meantime, as these woods are queer places, a little hextra caution is no sin."

"Now, look 'ere, I'll tell you wot we do; we'll lay our 'eads 'longside an' reason together. You've lost some dust. You say as 'ow I know, an' I say as 'ow I don't. Let's get a hobservation an' shape a course " "Vast heavin'!" Kent dashed in, maliciously imitating the other's enunciation.

We walked down the long straight road toward the ruins of Vermelles with a young soldier-guide who on the outskirts of the village remarked in a casual way: "No one is allowed along this road in daylight, as a rule. It's under hobservation of the henemy." "Then why the devil did you come this way?" asked my companion. "I thought you might prefer the short cut, sir."