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Nate and her 've bin keepin' company and courtin' ever sense they wuz weaned, an' bin pesterin' the life out o' me for years t' let 'em git jined. Sooner hit's done the better. As I wuz sayin', we'uns give 80,000 majority in Tennessee agin Secession, but ole Isham Harris" etc. "I'll speak to the Adjutant about it," said Si, when Nate came back glowing with gladness.

"Yes; but you don't understand. The doctor may decide not, to operate." The old man's face wore a puzzled look, then his lips hardened: "Mebbe hit's the money thet's a-woriyin' him. You go toll him that Jeb Hawkins pays ez he goes! I got pension money sewed in my coat frum the hem clean up to the collar. I hain't askin' none of you to cure my gal fer nothin'!"

Again he fell silent then laughed self-deprecatingly. "I sometimes 'lows thet what ye read me outen ther old book kinderly kindled some fret inside me.... Hit's es ef ther blood of ther old-timers was callin' out an' warnin' me thet I kain't suffer myself ter shirk ... or mebby hit's ther way old Hump and old Aaron talked."

"I reckon dey's 'vantages everywhah fu' anybody dat wants to wu'k." "Yes, but what kin' o' wages does yo' git? Why, de Johnsons say dey had a lettah f'om Miss Smiff an' dey's gettin' 'long fine in de Nawth." "De Johnsons ain' gwine?" "Si Johnson is " Then the woman stopped suddenly. "Oh, hit's Si Johnson? Huh!" "He ain' goin' wid me.

The smiles grew to audible mirth when she confided in a loud voice to Jenkins, stowed away in the berth above her, that she hoped to goodness nobody on board would snore and keep her awake. Jenkins's answer, floating tremulously down, convulsed the sleepy girls: "Hi 'ope not, ma'am. Hit's a bad 'abit, ma'am, halmost, you might say, han haffliction."

"Hush!" warned Jimmy suddenly, "I believe Sarah Jane's coming out here to see 'bout Benny Dick. Let's get behind the door and see what she's going to do." "'Hit were good fer Paul an' Silas, Hit were good fer Paul an' Silas, Hit were good fer Paul an' Silas, An' hit's good ernough fer me." floated Sarah Jane's song nearer and nearer. "'Hit's de ole time erligion, Hit's de ole time'"

"Dar 'tis! des look at it!" he chuckled, when Uplands had been left far behind them. "Dat's de ve'y same clump er cedars, en dat's de wil' cher'y lyin' right flat on hit's back dey's done cut it down ter git de cher'ies." "And the locust! Look, the big locust tree is still there, and in full bloom!" "Lawd, de 'simmons!

He found it after considerable effort, and ran the scales on it. "Glory be!" cried the boy. "Dat fool mule ain't done kicked de music out ob it." "Listen to me, Washington," demanded Grace, stepping over and laying a firm hand on the lad's shoulder. "You will put that instrument away " "'Tain't no inst'ment. Hit's a 'monica," he interrupted. "I am speaking.

"That's another of the colored folks' superstitions," said Captain Johnson. "They believe that if you bury any dead animal so that the turkey buzzards can't get at it, they'll bring you bad luck." "'Taint no 'stition, nuther. Hit's a pop sho' fac', dat's what!" muttered Aunt Chloe, angrily, as she walked off towards the house.

You ax me ter run home, Little childun Run home, dat sun done roll An' I don't wanter stay yer no longer. Hit's eighteen hunder'd forty-en-ten, Christ is de mo'ner's onliest fr'en' An' I don't wanter stay yer no longer; Hit's eighteen hunder'd forty-en-lev'm, Christ 'll be at de do' w'en we all git ter Hev'm An' I don't wanter stay yer no longer.