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Tam Robison used to bide at the South Lodge, but Tam got killed about Mesopotamy, and his wife took the bairns to her guidsire up at the Garpleheid. I seen the man that's in the South Lodge gaun up the street when I was finishin' my denner a shilpit body and a lameter, but he hirples as fast as ither folk run.

"Perhaps I could make him a cap," said Daisy, "as I did when my doll lost her wig. It had pink ribbons and looked very nice." "Why, he's lame of a leg," guffawed the two farming-men. "See, missy, he hirples on three." "I can't run very fast," said Daisy, "and when I'm old enough to, perhaps his leg will be well." "Why, you don't want this old thing for a play-fellow, child?" said the farmer.

"For Heaven's sake, no," said his companion, holding down the weapon which he was about to raise to the aim "for Heaven's sake, no; it's some poor distracted creature." "Ye're distracted yoursell, for thinking of going so near to her," said Elliot, holding his companion in his turn, as he prepared to advance. "She hirples like a hen on a het girdle.

The foe that ye must fight, my lord. That hirples swift as I can ride? The shadow of the night, my lord. Then wheel my horse against the foe! He's down and overpast, my lord. Ye war against the sunset glow; The darkness gathers fast, my lord. The Fight of Heriot's Ford. 'THIS is a cheerful life, said Dick, some days later.