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He was on the point of addressing some remarks to the bartender, when the little round orator cut in with an energy quite amazing. "Der zoshul refolushun haf gome, my prudders!" he said. "Der bowder vas all retty der match to be struck mit. Ve neet noddings but ter stretch out mit der hant und der victory dake. Der gabitalist fool himselluf.

He say mit himselluf 'I haf der golt und der bower, hey? He von pig fool. He dinks you der fool vas, und der eye uf him he vinks like der glown py der circus. But yust vait. Vait till der honest sons uf doil rise by deir might oop und smite der blow vich gif liperty to der millions!" At this there was a wild outburst of applause and a chorus of hoarse shouts: "Up mit der red flag!" "Strike now!"

And now that I've told you this, tell me in return whether there is any other place beside this where we can cross?" "No, mastel," said Ling, "no othel place. This only place anywhele. And no can closs hele, mastel can see fol himselluf." "Well," said Frobisher determinedly, "if this is the only place, this is where we cross.

"UND DER PIPE-LINE GE-MEND," Hooven burst out, suddenly remembering a forgotten argument. He waved an arm. "Ach, der pipe-line bei der Mission Greek, und der waater-hole for dose cettles. Say, he doand doo ut HIMSELLUF, berhaps, I doand tink." "Well, talk to Harran about it." "Say, he doand farm der whole demn rench bei hisseluf. Me, I gotta stay."