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I have, therefore, made my evening toilet in the afternoon, and thereby gained time to take my dear singing-lesson. But now let us study, so that your pupil may redound to your honor." "Oh, your majesty," ejaculated Himmel, "my honor and my happiness!" "Hush, hush," said Louisa, interrupting him, with an enchanting smile, "no flattery! no court-phrases!

Concert-master Himmel was not courageous enough to interrupt the silence of the queen, or, may be, he had not listened very attentively to her words, and his thoughts perhaps were fixed on matters of an entirely different character, for his air was absent and gloomy; his eyes glanced around the room, but returned continually to the lovely form of the queen.

Das Auge sieht den Himmel offen, Es schwimmt das Herz in seligkeit. The passage from which these lines are taken is the very beautiful one thus rendered in English by the late Lord Lytton: And, lo! as some sweet vision breaks Out from its native morning skies, With rosy shame on downcast cheeks, The virgin stands before his eyes: A nameless longing seizes him!

"You go way!" she cried fiercely. "You're drunk, that's what you are!" "So's he," suggested Dean, staying the motion of his finger and pointing it at Gordon. Peter Himmel ambled up, owlish now and oratorically inclined. "Here now," he began as if called upon to deal with some petty dispute between children. "Wha's all trouble?" "You take your friend away," said Jewel tartly. "He's bothering us."

The road between Ullerton and Symford conveyed to her mind no assurance whatever of the near neighbourhood of such things; and as for the dog-cart "Himmel," said Annalise to herself, whenever she thought of the dog-cart. Their journey ended at two in the morning.

Und so I shall get soaked! Gott in Himmel, it ought to be vorth more! Vun dollar und a quarter, und a day like dis! But you understand now you vill pay me de rest of twenty-five dollars soon?" "As soon as I can." "Some time dis mont'?" "Yes, within a month," said poor Jurgis. "Anything! Hurry up!" "Vere is de dollar und a quarter?" persisted Madame Haupt, relentlessly.

"Becky, quick rub my leg with liniment, the thick one," she whispered in Yiddish. "It's only me, Esther Ansell!" cried the visitor. "What! Esther!" cried Mrs. Belcovitch. "Gott in Himmel!" and, throwing down the comb, she fell in excess of emotion upon Esther's neck. "I have so often wanted to see you," cried the sickly-looking little woman who hadn't altered a wrinkle.

"Hurry on, for mercy's sake," said the major. "Mine Gott in Himmel!" ejaculated the captain, who was puffing and blowing like a porpoise; "I can't run no faster. I guess it's petter we stops and fights 'em, ain't it? I been not a good feller to run!" "You must run a little further," said Frank. "We will certainly be captured, if we stop to fight them here."

As I raised the blind, and the morning sunlight flooded the room, I heard the Professor's low hiss of inspiration, and knowing its rarity, a deadly fear shot through my heart. As I passed over he moved back, and his exclamation of horror, "Gott in Himmel!" needed no enforcement from his agonized face. He raised his hand and pointed to the bed, and his iron face was drawn and ashen white.

"Gott im Himmel! then you " "Wide awake, too. With a start like I can give him in my business, you 'ain't got to worry Ruby 'ain't fixed herself with the man what she chooses. To-morrow at Atlantic City all fixed I had it I should tell " "You!" she said, turning around in her chair to face him. "You all along you been fixing " He turned sheepish.