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Established here, we set about getting in touch with the German higher-ups, since we were likely to be mistaken for Englishmen, which would be embarrassing certainly, and might even be painful. At the hotel next door for all the buildings flanking this square were hotels of a sort we found a group of officers.

"Might as well get everybody in on it," he mused, as he pounded the telegraph instrument; "can't tell some of those higher-ups might be in New York and think there wasn't anything to it unless they could see it in the New York papers. I " Then he stopped as the wire cut under his finger and clattered forth a message. He jumped.

Tell me, Jack, will you be apt to get any further lines on the way things stand down here? there was some talk, I 'member, about them bein' able to give us a few pointers concernin' them higher-ups the Government is so anxious to cage so as to break this whole gang up for keeps."

The big Canadian and the men he represented were dealing directly with the heads of the Government departments, but they thought it the part of wisdom to keep in their employ subordinates in the capacity of secret service agents to spy upon the higher-ups. For an hour before the Hannah reached Katma Miss O'Neill was busy getting her little brood ready.

The jury disagreed. The Prosecution's first battle against the "higher-ups" had brought no victory. Ruef was failing Heney as a witness for the people. After months of bargaining the special prosecutor withdrew his tacit offer of immunity. Heney's patience with the wily little Boss, who knew no end of legal subterfuge, was suddenly exhausted.

Since you are in as deep as you can get, and since this trip is dangerous, you should know everything there is to know. You are one of the higher-ups now, anyway: and we understand each other thoroughly, I believe?" "I believe so." Back in the bow control-room DuQuesne applied more power, but not enough to render movement impossible.

They had not the social importance of many of the "higher-ups" of 1856, but they were crude, powerful, and in many cases wealthy. They were ably seconded by a class of lawyers which then, and for some years later, infested the courts of California. These men had made little success at law, or perhaps had been driven forth from their native haunts because of evil practices.

It was no trick at all, with the assistance of the mines, to advance our lines to what had been the German third line, but, right there, some one had made a miscalculation. It's a cinch our "higher-ups" did not know how much artillery the Germans had that they could turn on that salient.

If anything, his reputation with his higher-ups was probably better than ever. He'd been in there pitching, as a Telly reporter, right up until the end when the situation had completely pickled. All that he had lost was his dream. It had been so close to the grasping. He could almost have tasted the sweetness of victory. Joe Mauser, at the ultimate top of the hero-heap.

And those higher-ups would be much worse than Panek more ruthless and more contemptuous of human life and rights. They would have to be, to be the higher-ups. For Hanlon sensed that in such a group, Might very decidedly made Right ... and Power. It took some time to quiet his shrieking nerves. Nor did he ever forget the awfulness of that fear that so nearly brought him down out of control.