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Now this coincides remarkably with the idea implicit in all higher-space speculation, that the figures of solid geometry are projections on a space of three dimensions, of corresponding four-dimensional forms. All ornament is in its last analysis geometrical sometimes directly so, as in the system developed by the Moors.

Although higher-space thought makes painfully clear our limitations, it nevertheless leads to the perception that these very limitations are inhibited powers. In this way it supplies us with a workable method whereby we may enter that transcendental world of which we glimpse so many vistas.

He had listened to every word and had made many notes. The presence of this man had an exhilarating effect upon him. It seemed as if Mr. Racine Mudge still carried about with him something of that breathless Higher-Space condition he had been describing. At any rate, Dr.

"Become what thou art!" is the maxim engraved upon the lintel of this new Temple of Initiation. Higher-space speculation is an education in selflessness, for it demands the elimination of what Hinton calls self-elements of observation. The diurnal motion of the sun is an example of a self-element: it has nothing to do with the sun but everything to do with the observer.

The foregoing passages from The Virgin of the World show a remarkable resemblance between the Hermetic philosophy and modern higher-space thought. The parallelism is not less striking in the case of certain other mystic philosophers of the East.