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I stood too much in awe of my uncle to fail in presenting myself punctually at the close of the half-hour. I entered his sitting-room under the shadow of sour old Wyat's high-cauled cap; she closed the door behind me, and the conference commenced. Madame de la Rougierre sat there, dressed and draped for a journey, and with a thick black lace veil on.

'You know it's a play, and I call her L'Amour for shortness; and she laughed hilariously, and I could not forbear joining; and, winking at me, she called aloud, 'L'Amour. To which the crone, with a high-cauled cap, resembling Mother Hubbard, responded with a courtesy and 'Yes,'m. 'Are all the trunks and boxes took up? They were. 'Well, we'll come now; and what shall I call you, Quince?

With this awful image of death we kept our vigil, until poor Milly grew so sleepy that old Wyat proposed that she should take her place and watch with me. Little as I liked the crone with the high-cauled cap, she would, at all events, keep awake, which Milly could not. And so at one o'clock this new arrangement began. 'Mr. Dudley Ruthyn is not at home? I whispered to old Wyat.

Old Wyat, a white, high-cauled ghost, was pottering in her slippers in the shadow at the far side of the bed. The doctor, a stout little bald man, with a paunch and a big bunch of seals, stood with his back to the fireplace, which corresponded with that in the next room, eyeing his patient through the curtains of the bed with a listless sort of importance.

And just as we stood up to depart, the white high-cauled cap and large sallow features of old L'Amour peeped in at the door. 'Lawk! what brings you here? cried Milly, nearly as much startled as I at the intrusion. 'What brings you here, miss? whistled L'Amour through her gums. 'We're looking where Charke cut his throat, replied Milly.