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"Sure thing; we are out for the whole day. Who are on for the speaking?" "Gilchrist for one, our Member for the Dominion, you know." "Oh, yes, strong man, I believe. He's a Liberal, of Course." "Yes," replied Ross, "he's a Grit all right, hide-bound too " "Which you are not, I take it," replied Monteith with a laugh.

I don't think they ever find any, but they look, and that's something. You can't call Barry hide-bound or conventionally orthodox." "No. Oh no. Not that. Or I shouldn't be caring for him. But he doesn't understand about this. And you don't, mother, nor father, nor anyone of your ages. I don't know how it is, but it is so." "You might try your Aunt Rosalind," Neville suggested, with malice.

A humdrum career in the Blues would hardly have continued to satisfy Major Carew, any more than the conventions and hide-bound prejudices of the Established Church could hold my husband." "Yet, if you will forgive my seeming rudeness, both of them apparently took a decided step downwards from the social point of view." "That would not trouble either of them for a moment.

"His name is Legion, sir! That's what's the matter! These hide-bound vested righters are only vested righters when the rights don't happen to belong to some other man." The Ranger related the incidents of the visit to the Ridge. The old man rode along in silence.

He next put 'Lowe's Critical Spelling-book' into the old cupboard where his mother used to look after his poems for culinary purposes. But the good housewife never burnt the 'Critical Spelling-book; it being, probably, too tough for her, in all its hide-bound solidity.

A rough, staring coat; hide-bound; painful cough; respiration hurried, etc. Treatment. But little can be done by way of treatment in this disease. The administration of small doses of spirits of turpentine has, in some instances, proved successful. The period most commonly selected for this operation is between the first and third months.

The author is Rev. Minot J. Savage, the prominent and eloquent Boston Unitarian clergyman. The book is a remarkable one, and even made me feel uncomfortable, as hide-bound in Calvinism as I supposed I was. Investigation showed that a score of our older scholars and several of the teachers had been very much impressed by the story, and had been talking the subject over.

A whole world rejoicing; a whole world singing Te Deums of praise and thanksgiving in its own dear, happy, overflowing way. No wonder the big fellow in the well-worn khaki, with his vigorous enthusiasms and wide sympathies, thought a little regretfully of the hide-bound, clause-bound, doctrine-bound, sober-minded black cloth he had felt himself obliged to put off.

Children of the school age are the most conventional, hide-bound creatures. They'd feel ashamed before their schoolfellows." "I suppose they'd have my name legally, wouldn't they?" "I suppose so. But they might prefer mine. The other boys and girls would have their fathers', you see." "Not all of them. I know several people who don't hold with marriage either; there'd be all their children.

"Of course, we recognize your talents and ability, but you cannot blame us for trying to get talent, as well as material for our airships, in the cheapest market. But we are not hide-bound, nor sticklers for any set sum.