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His Excellency feared an attack from the Shedma and the Hhaha people, and was obliged to have a strong escort. Not long ago, the Sultan himself had a narrow escape from falling into the hands of a band of insurgents; their object was to make their lord-paramount a prisoner, and extort concessions as the price of his liberty.

Tekoulet is a small and pretty town, rising a short distance from the sea, by the mouth of the stream Dwira, in the province of Hhaha. The water is reckoned the best in the province, and the people are honest and friendly; the Jews inhabit one hundred houses. Tesegdelt, is another city of the province of Hhaha, very large and rich, perched high upon a mountain, and that fortified by nature.

He writes that he had "already received orders from His Imperial Majesty respecting the object of my mission," which words give me uneasiness, as they are evidently unfavourable to it, and consequently to my journey to Morocco. There is a misunderstanding between the provinces of Shed ma and Hhaha. These districts adjoin Mogador, the city belonging to Hhaha.

This town belongs to the province of Hhaha, whose Berber tribes are its natural defenders. The site is a sandy beach with a rocky foundation or a base on the sea, forming a peninsula, and is supposed to be the ancient Erythraea. The houses are regularly built, with streets in direct lines, extremely convenient though somewhat narrow.

When a worthless newspaper mentions an expedition being fitted out against Morocco, the Emperor immediately sees a fleet of ships within sight of his ports, and hears the reports of bombarding cannon." The raw levies of Shedmah and Hhaha continued to enter the town, but only a small number at a time, lest they should alarm the inhabitants.

Here the feud legend babbles of revenge, and says that, in the time of Muley Suleiman, one day when the Hhaha people were at prayers at Mogador, during broad day light, the Shedma people came down upon them and slaughtered them, and, whilst in the sacred and inviolable act of devotion, entered the mosques and pillaged their houses.

Orthodoxy of the Shereefs, and illustrative anecdotes of the various Emperors. Several visits from the Moors; their ideas on soldiers and payment of public functionaries. Mr. Cohen and his opinion on Maroquine affairs. Phlebotomising of Governors, and Ministerial responsibility. Border Travels of the Shedma and Hhaha tribes. How the Emperor enriches himself by the quarrels of his subjects.

One of the caliphs having been assassinated in a mosque, seems to have been the precedent for all the murders of the kind which have followed, and indelibly disgrace the Mussulman annals. These Hhaha and Shedma people are also borderers, and fight with the accustomed ferocity of border tribes.

This produced implacable hatred between them, which is likely to survive many generations; but the story was told me by a Hhaha man, and not improbably the people of Shedma had some plausible reason for making this barbarous attack. Even before this piece of treachery of one Mussulman towards another at the hour of prayer, the feuds seemed to have existed.

"Dog! you have put your hands of the devil into my bag of barley." Hhaha man. "Dog and Jew, you lie!" Shedma man. "Jew and Frenchman! there's some one now in your wife's tent." Hhaha man. "Religion of the Frenchman! your mother has been dishonoured a thousand times." The maternal honour is the dearest of things amongst these semi-barbarians.