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Ivy was already on the third round of the ladder, but she stopped and answered, hesitatingly, "He said I might." "He said you might, yes," continued Mrs. Simm, talking to Ivy, but at Mr. Clerron, with whom she hardly dared to remonstrate in a more direct way. "And if he said you might throw yourself down Vineyard Cliff, it don't follow that you are bound to do it.

"Why, pray?" repeated Miss Brodie. "Well, of course," began Martin hesitatingly, "comparisons are always odious." "Oh, we can bear them." Miss Brodie's smile was slightly sarcastic.

"Well, if every one of you fellows will promise to never mention it again to me," said Ham hesitatingly; "but I'm not going to tell you all the details just the plot remember that!" He settled himself comfortably and began: "The three of us had been in the habit of taking long Sunday afternoon tramps in the mountains, but because of the cold weather we had been pretty well shut in all winter.

I hesitated to eat them, for many of the desert berries are poisonous, and almost all are bitter and acrid, but I could see no t'samma, and so I bit one, hesitatingly at first, but as the sharp, delicious flavor penetrated my scorched palate, ravenously.

'It is a queer question. No reply. After a little, Rogers asked, hesitatingly: 'ALL of it? That is I mean 'Certainly, all of it. I was going to say more, but stopped was stopped by a train of thought which started up in me. Thompson spoke, but my mind was absent, and I did not catch what he said. But I heard Rogers answer 'Yes, it seems so to me.

"Did you not learn his name?" asked Dorothy, hesitatingly. "Yes," I replied. Then came another pause, broken by the girl, who spoke in a quick, imperious tone touched with irritation: "Well, what is it?" "It is better that I do not tell you," I answered. "It was quite by accident that we met. Neither of us knew the other. Please do not ask me to tell you his name."

He was greatly puzzled to know what distinguished person he thought he must be dealing with some prince, or, at least, a duke was willing to give so much money to save a few hours of time, and he hesitatingly asked whom he had the honor of serving. "General Tom Thumb." The performance at Rugby netted L160, which not only covered expenses but left a handsome margin.

He climbed awkwardly, out of his seat, and advanced hesitatingly with shuffling feet towards the master. It was now evident that Gable was not a large boy, but a little old man, slightly built, with a round ruddy clean-shaven face and thick white hair. But his manner was that of a boy of eight. 'Hold out, my young friend! Joel commanded, with an expressive flourish of his cane.

I will never forget you, doctor. You you have been sick. The change in his speech was even more noticeable when he turned his tongue to English. He halted over his words and he mouthed them hesitatingly. "'Yes, pretty sick. And you, what are you doing? "'I do what the rest do, said he. 'Nothing! I have some horses and a few head of cattle, that is all.

Recollection was dulled in bodily pain, and, at first, thought was merged in physical suffering. But gradually the fog cleared from her brain and memory supervened hesitatingly. She remembered fragmentary incidents of what had gone before the oblivion from which she had just emerged.