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Times have certainly changed officers' hands in their pockets, saying 'if you don't mind' to a man that's insulted the flag! Kicking ain't good enough for that traitor! Ought to hang him yes, sir, hang and draw him!" Lanstron watched the marching column for a time. "Hep-hep-hep! It's the brown of the infantry that counts in the end," he mused. "I liked that wall-eyed giant. He's all man!"

Have you forgotten Tom Fragini and the sergeant and the others of Captain Dellarme's men of the 53d of the Browns, whom we left marching along the road to La Tir, with old Grandfather Fragini, veteran of the Hussars, in his faded uniform coat with his medal on his breast, keeping step, hep-hep-hep?

"All right, sir, you're so decent about it!" grumbled Stransky, taking his place in the ranks. Hep-hep-hep! the regiment started on its way, with Grandfather Fragini keeping at his grandson's side. "Makes me feel young again, but it's darned solemn beside the Hussars, with their horses' bits a-jingling.

These plunderers are not dangerous from their size, but they have not yet been organized to the hep-hep-hep of partisanship. They would as soon live in a Gray as a Brown garden, as soon probe for an atom of honey on one side of the white posts as the other. This one as it drew nearer was well to one side over Feller's shoulders.

"And for me one, two, three, four, five, six!" "Oh, don't rub it in," the manufacturer's son shouted above the chorus, "you old fellows! I've a year and six months more." "Here, too!" chimed in the banker's son. "A year and six months more of iron spoons and tin cups and army shoes and army fare and early rising. Hep-hep-hep, drill-drill-drill, and drudgery!"