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"It was very good of you to come," she said, as she advanced to meet him and gave him her hand in the natural subdued manner that the circumstances called for. "I took the first train after I received your despatch." "I am sorry to inconvenience you so," she said, after they were seated, "but you know so much of Mr. Henderson's affairs that your advice will be needed.

Forty miles up the river, at what had been described to him as Quartz Creek, he came upon signs of Bob Henderson's work, and also at Australia Creek, thirty miles farther on. The weeks came and went, but Daylight never encountered the other man. However, he found moose plentiful, and he and his dogs prospered on the meat diet.

With so many strong inducements in favour of Henderson's suggestion, and only one that comprised in the element of danger and uncertainty against it, it is not to be wondered at that before I slept that night I had definitely decided to act upon the major's advice and undertake the journey.

Laflamme she made anybody her confidant when the fit was on her "I do things because I don't care. Mrs. Henderson does the same, but she does care." Margaret would be a sadder woman, but not a better woman, when the time came that she did not care. She had come to the point of accepting Henderson's methods of overreaching the world, and was tempering the result with private liberality.

I at once recalled Sterl, and with great satisfaction wrote to the General, "Your dispatch of 10.20 received in time to stop two brigades. Henderson's and Moore's have gone forward and will report at the river above Town Creek. I will inform you of any changes in the morning.

"I didn't know what had become of you," she said. "I've been busy," he replied, with a faint attempt at a smile. "Yes, I know. It's been an awful time, what with Henderson's death and everything else. Almost everybody has been hit. But," and she looked at him cheerfully, "they will come up again; up and down; it is always so. Why, even I got a little twist in that panic."

"Is that what you were staring about?" demanded Betty, as they found their seats and Bob picked up his camera preparatory to putting in a new roll of film. "I wondered why you persisted in looking over my shoulder so often." Bob Henderson's boyish face sobered and unconsciously his chin hardened a little, a sure sign that he was a bit worried.

Or, if some things among the tenets of the small Independent minority had begun to gain upon him, he seems still, through the winter of 1643-4, to have looked forward to some compromise that should be acceptable to England and yet tend to that conformity between the two kingdoms which the Scots desired, and to the furtherance of which they had pledged England by Henderson's international League and Covenant.

"It's not for sale. Seven figures wouldn't touch it." He looked at it lovingly before he put it up, and then added: "Well, there's a figure for each, Rodney, and a big nest-egg for the old woman besides. There's nothing like it, old man. You'd better come in." And he put his hand affectionately on Henderson's knee. Jeremiah Hollowell commonly known as Jerry was a remarkable man.

As the result of Henderson's tactfulness, the proprietary form of government, thoroughly democratized in tone, was complacently accepted by the backwoods men.