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At the close of the year, the Pastor was fully paid, and the Society was out of debt. Conference of 1851. Presiding Elder. Presentation. Give and Take. Fond du Lac District Quarterly Meeting Rev. J.S. Prescott. Footman vs. Buggies Fond du Lac. Two Churches. Greenbush Quarterly Meeting Rev. David Lewis Pioneer Self-Sacrifice. Finds a Help-Meet. Sheboygan Falls. Rev. Matthias Himebaugh.

If you are a sensible mother you will take my advice. Do not try to make your daughter a good man in defiance of nature. Make her a good woman, and be sure it will be better both for her and us. Does this mean that she must be brought up in ignorance and kept to housework only? Is she to be man's handmaid or his help-meet? Will he dispense with her greatest charm, her companionship?

By strange good fortune Barbara had been wedded to a plain gentleman, who, being a widower with children, needed a help-meet in his modest household, and through a distant relationship to Mistress Wimpole, encountered her charge, and saw in her meekness of spirit the thing which might fall into the supplying of his needs.

You must not, if you are so late, complain of me hereafter, when the lacet of my bodice troubles me, or the plaits of my hair refuse to keep their place, and so I delay thee unreasonably, as thou sayest, though it is all to honor thee; for would it not be unbeseeming for the help-meet of a worshipful Assistant to appear like a common mechanic's wife?

But for Adam, alas, poor critical coxcomb Adam! But for Adam there is not found an help-meet for him. No, great Dome of Agrippa, thou art not Christian! canst not, Strip and replaster and daub and do what they will with thee, be so!

He was persuaded by the satraps that her example would teach all other ladies to think for themselves, which did not suit these selfish men, who did not care to have a wife for a help-meet, but only for a slave and toy; so that poor Vashti was set aside and degraded for being a modest woman; and the tyrant sent and swept away every beautiful girl from her home, to be brought to his palace on trial, and if she did not become queen, to be a slave for ever.

In speaking thus to her, he recognized her as a help-meet to whom he could make a shamed admission of weakness and fear no condemnation or diminution of love. This time, however, she made the wrong reply: "But we'll go down to the coast after a while, if our claim's good and we get enough dust out of it. I think of it often.

But the work them hands wrought still remains, giving the best descriptions of them times we have now, of the manners and customs of that fur back time. They show off the part wimmin have took in philanthropy in all ages. They show that all through time that wimmen have been a help-meet. And you can see the tender, strong faces of them that have helped the world.