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I've watched 'em close, and it's my private opinion that before many days you'll see your club-house sailing back here, with Queen Elizabeth at the hellum, and the other ladies on the for'ard deck knittin' and crochetin', and tearin' each other to pieces in a conversational way, as happy as if there never had been any Captain Kidd and his pirate crew."

I guess maybe we've got a little to one side of the track. I'll turn 'round and try again." But Horace Greeley was of a different mind. From long experience he knew that the way to cross a ford was to go straight ahead. The bottom of the carryall was awash. "Port your hellum, you lubber!" shouted the driver, pulling with all his might on one rein. "Heave to! Come 'bout! Gybe! consarn you! gybe!"

No, we will man the boat, though the waves dash high, and the skies are dark we will man and woman the life-boat side by side will the two great forces stand, the Motherhood and the Fatherhood, Love and Justice, the hope and strength of Humanity shall stand at the hellum.

He grabbed it and begun to gaze off to the right. "It's a flock of birds," he says. "It's getting toward sundown, and they're making a bee-line across our track for somewheres. They mean business maybe they're going for food or water, or both. Let her go to starboard! Port your hellum! Hard down! There ease up steady, as you go."

One good stout German girl bore willin'ly the heaviest burdens of housekeeping, but Waitstill and Love and Good Judgment wuz to the hellum, and the result wuz beautiful. A happier household I don't want to see, a better supper I don't want to eat.

But while we was huntin' for a place we came across a narrer creek, just wide enough for us to pull into; and Tonkin up's hellum and says as we'll try in there. So we pulled along for a matter of nigh upon a mile, when all at once the creek comes to an end, and we find the boat's nose jammed in among a lot of mangrove roots.

He shook me cordyully by the hand we exchanged picters, so we could gaze upon each other's liniments, when far away from one another he at the hellum of the ship of State, and I at the hellum of the show bizniss admittance only 15 cents. Notwithstandin I hain't writ much for the papers of late, nobody needn't flatter theirselves that the undersined is ded.

"I jumped on the horse-block," said the narrator, "and there it was, sure enough, coming down hand over fist. I had no time to shorten sail, but only to put the helm up and get her before it;" an instance in point of what an old gray-haired instructor of ours used to say, with correct accentuation, "Always the hellum first."

Port your hellum! port H-A-A-A-RD! I say, you're right aboard of us! And then he'd drop the trumpet, and sing out as if in the other craft to his own crew, and then again to us. Of course, every man was on his feet in a second, thinking we were all but afoul of another vessel.

"Follow me; I want Yellow Rufe alive!" cried Dolores, leaving the wheel and springing to the bulwarks. Instinctively Peters stepped to the wheel, and as he passed his employer he leaned to whisper in his ear: "Let them once leave these decks, sir, and we'll up hellum and away!"