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I was lost on Mojave once, and to my mind the mirages was the wust part of the hull game." "What do you mean?" asked Roldan. "What are mirages?" "Mirages, Rolly, are what ought to be and ain't, what you want and can't git, and they bear a hell-fired resemblance to life. I see you don't quite understand.

Moving back to Allan's side, he threw himself down upon the grass. "When's this hell-fired fightin' goin' to begin? I don't ask anything better, jest at this minute, than to encounter a rattler!" The sound ahead swelled suddenly into loud and continuous firing. Apparently Evans had met the turning column. Fall in, men, fall in!

Well, sir, I'm in only tolerable order, but I want my question answered I want to know if I'm to be threatened with 'sassination by the hell-fired gamblers, and then laughed at by senators for bringing it before the Senate, and insulted by you, sir, by calling me to order for demanding my rights, and the rights of my constituents, here, from this Senate?

Ain't that thar hell-fired letter to me, sir a senator, sir, representing three parishes, sir before this House? This excited a general laugh, and, at the same time, the ire of Moore. "By G , sir; I don't know if it wouldn't benefit the State if these hell-fired gamblers were to 'sassinate the whole of this House or parliament." The laugh continued, and Moore left the Senate in a rage.

He dastn't walk in his own backyard withouten he kept thet log wall betwixt hisself an' ther mounting-side. So long as him an' old Mose Rowlett both lived thar warn't no peace feasible nohow. Cuss-fights an' shootin's an' laywayin's went on without no eend, twell finely hit come on ter be sich a hell-fired mommick thet ther two outfits met up an' fit a master battle in Claytown.

"And 'he'll never be brought to trial; no lawyer will dare appear against him, no jury will dare find him guilty; but there's Hues, what about him?" He paused. The two men looked at each other for a long moment. "Where did they carry the captain?" inquired Hicks. "I don't know." "It looks like the Clan was in a hell-fired hole but shucks!

Comanches, now, an’ Cheyenne an’ Kiowa an’ Sioux ride out to storm at youguns an’ arrows all shootin’wantin’ to count coup on a man by hittin’ him personal. But th’ ’Pache ain’t wastin’ hisself that way. Nopegit behind a rock an’ ambush ... put th’ whole hell-fired country t’ work fur them.

"So would I, mister," broke in Warner; "and if the skipper gives the word, I guess these niggers of mine can jest wipe out the whole hell-fired lot of crawlers that beat you off. Give my crowd fifteen Sniders and a hundred rounds each and you see and smell more dead and stinkin' kanakas lyin' around on these here beaches in forty-eight hours than you ever saw in your life.

How am I to help you to help him; help him to do what?" "O oh! to tear himself away from her, Smith. I want you to appeal to him. He's taken a great shine to you. You can appeal to his feeling for romance poetry whatever he calls his hell-fired I mean his unfortunate impiety. You know how, and I don't.