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Hallebast Corner was changed by the soldier to "Hell-blast" Corner, just as Ypres became "Wipers" and Ploegstert was translated into "Plugstreet." "Shrapnel Corners" and "Suicide Corners" were numerous and had merely a local significance. The names are self-explanatory.

One morning, very early, I walked out to view it more closely. It had escaped severe shelling, although chipped tombstones and broken railings and scattered pieces of painted wire wreaths showed that the hell-blast of destruction had not altogether passed it by. I went softly into the little chapel. On the floor, muddy, noisy-sleeping soldiers lay sprawled in ungainly attitudes.

In the hell-blast of Pickett's charge two of his old friends, who had left New Constantinople to fight for the South, were riddled, and another, marching at the captain's side, had his head blown off by an exploding shell. Thus in one engagement three of the old residents of the mining settlement were wiped out. Only once or twice was any news received of Al Bidwell.

Let the maroons finish what we so well begin. See thy gun does not harm the Wait," she cried, "hold thy artillery until ye see me across the Grove! I shall give thee a sign, then loose thy hell-blast." Leaving Milo, she ran again through the great chamber and out by the rock door, which was rolled aside and standing open.

There was not, however, that continuous hell-blast upon me that so scorched my soul on the following afternoon. The cats were tossing me in their velvet paws only occasionally protruding a sharp claw as a reminder, until they could feel surer of their victim.