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"Yes, but unfortunately I have not got it." "You ought to annul the debt by paying small sums on account." "The rascal won't let me." "Then what do you propose doing?" "Win a heavy sum, if I can, and escape into Poland. "The Baron de St. Heleine will run away, too if he can, for he only lives on credit.

D'Aragon set out for Warsaw the next day, but he unfortunately found the place occupied by more cunning Greeks than himself. In six months they had relieved him of his hundred thousand roubles, but such is the lot of gamesters; no craft can be more wretched than theirs. Heleine followed him without taking leave of a noble army of creditors.

When Alexis became rich and powerful, instead of revenging himself, he hastened to make his enemy's fortune. This was nobly done. Dragon, whose first principle was always to turn up the best card, and whose second principle was never to shirk a duel, had gone to St. Petersburg in 1759 with the Baron de St. Heleine.

She was not precisely handsome, but nevertheless her appearance was pleasing, her expression kindly, and there was about her an air of calm and tranquillity which never left her. At about the same time a friend of Baron de St. Heleine arrived from St. Petersburg on his way to Warsaw. His name was Marquis Dragon, but he called himself d'Aragon.

She was not precisely handsome, but nevertheless her appearance was pleasing, her expression kindly, and there was about her an air of calm and tranquillity which never left her. At about the same time a friend of Baron de St. Heleine arrived from St. Petersburg on his way to Warsaw. His name was Marquis Dragon, but he called himself d'Aragon.

Heleine was also in Warsaw, but his principal occupation was to contract debts which he did not mean to pay. He also lived in Villier's house with his pretty and virtuous young wife, who would have nothing to say to us. Campioni told me of some other adventurers, whose names I was very glad to know that I might the better avoid them.

Heleine introduced him to Prince Charles, who begged him to call on him the next day, and to shew his skill with the foils against himself and some of his friends. I had the honour to be of the number; and thoroughly well he beat us, for his skill was that of a demon.

D'Aragon set out for Warsaw the next day, but he unfortunately found the place occupied by more cunning Greeks than himself. In six months they had relieved him of his hundred thousand roubles, but such is the lot of gamesters; no craft can be more wretched than theirs. Heleine followed him without taking leave of a noble army of creditors.

Heleine introduced him to Prince Charles, who begged him to call on him the next day, and to shew his skill with the foils against himself and some of his friends. I had the honour to be of the number; and thoroughly well he beat us, for his skill was that of a demon.

"Yes, but unfortunately I have not got it." "You ought to annul the debt by paying small sums on account." "The rascal won't let me." "Then what do you propose doing?" "Win a heavy sum, if I can, and escape into Poland. "The Baron de St. Heleine will run away, too if he can, for he only lives on credit.