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It was the custom for the battle-maidens to meet at Walkuere Rock every evening at sunset. This was the highest peak in the mountains. From here they would ride into Valhalla, each carrying the hero whom she had snatched from the battlefield. "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" called each as she neared the peak, and "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" came the answer. At length all but one had reached the rock.

She lifted her hand to her lips and kissed the ring, Siegfried's pledge of love. "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" came from the valley below. Brunhilde sprang to her feet with the answer: "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" Could it be that one of her sisters was coming to see her? Was it possible that one of the Walkuere would so far dare Wotan's wrath as to venture to the mountain's crest? Nearer came the call:

"Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" And a battle-maiden came in sight. Brunhilde was very happy to see her sister again, but the battle-maiden looked sad. She brought bad news from Valhalla. She and Brunhilde sat down upon the rock, and the battle-maiden told the sad story of the last days of the giants. "Brunhilde," she said, "Wotan does not know that I have come. Valhalla is in deepest gloom.

"Why does Brunhilde not come?" they asked of each other anxiously. "What has happened that she should be so late?" Loudly they called: "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" Looking toward the valley, they saw Brunhilde riding fast. Her horse was flecked with foam. "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" they shouted; and "Heiho! hoyotoho! heiho!" came Brunhilde's answer.