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"Come and dine with us to-morrow, and you shall prove my words a libel, if you please. I cannot say that my wife will be able to give you any thing better than Mrs. Linwood's poor fare, but it shall be sweetened by a heart-warm welcome, and we will drink the health of the bonny bride in a glass of ruby wine!"

Then there is consolation for those not gifted either with worldly means or powers of mind or healthful daring. Some will ever remember and regret the man or woman who carries true feeling into the affairs of life, important or minute: gentle courtesies, heart-warm words, delicate regards, as surely part of consummate charity as the drop is a portion of the deep whose fountains it helps to fill.

Why, they were real friends, heart-warm to her there: when they laughed and cried with her, she knew it. Many of their faces she knew well: that pale lady's in the third box, who brought her boys so often, and gave them a bouquet to throw to Lizzy, always white flowers; and the old grandfather yonder, with the pretty, chubby-faced girls.

Malcolm's face did not brighten with a feeling of heart-warm benevolence. But, he turned slowly away, and opening his money-drawer, very slowly, toyed with his fingers amid its contents. At length he took therefrom a dollar bill, and said, as he presented it to Lyon, sighing involuntarily as he did so "I suppose I must do my part. But, we are called upon so often."

She listened only half-convinced, yet still she listened. Anne Valery did the same, though she took no part in the argument Only continually her eyes wandered to Nathanael, less with smiling heart-warm affection than with the pensive tenderness with which one watches a dead likeness revived in a living face. At last, when he had expressed all he could everything except entreaty or complaint Mr.

Who, for its careless joy, would exchange the heart-warm friendships that have been annealed in the vicissitudes of years, the love that sheds a richer light upon our path, as its vista lengthens, or has drawn our thoughts into the glory that is beyond the veil?

She looked around the room, and there, in one corner, just as if she had never parted from them, were all the old treasures of her maidenhood desk, work-table, chair. She guessed all the secret. Once, perhaps, she might have burst into tears heart-warm tears; now she only sighed. "Oh, how good you are!" Her husband kissed her. Passively she took the caress, and again she sighed. Dr.

Words of confession and promises for the future were on his tongue; but, their utterance, just at that moment, seemed untimely, and he merely answered the mute appeal of tears with a fervent, heart-warm kiss, that, if the power of his will could have gone with it, would have filled the heart of his wife with joy unspeakable.

Their tastes had been similar, and the Veritys had often joined the Heskeths in their summer holiday at the seaside. And now, in one fell moment, the lifelong friendship had been severed, and Abe, the glad, strong, heart-warm man, had plunged from life to death. Job refused to go to bed that night, but sat in his chair by the flickering embers of his kitchen fire.

"Tell these poor, noble wounded and sick men that no one takes a warmer interest, or feels more for their sufferings, or admires their courage and heroism more than their Queen. So does the Prince," was the impulsive, heart-warm message which Her Majesty sent for transmission through Miss Nightingale to her soldier-patients. Her deeds proved that these words were words of truth.