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I heard him tell what we knew of the foe and the ground; I saw him glance back at the blown condition of the speeding column and then say "You've got them anyhow, Captain; you'll get every man of them without a scratch, only if you will take your time." But the Captain answered headily; "No, sir! I've tried that twice already; this time I'll cut them in two and be in their rear at one dash!

"I'll bet there ain't another man in the state of Nevada could do that." "Yes. But Casey dear, if only you will never touch another drop of liquor. You'll keep your promise, won't you, dear boy?" "Hell, yes!" Casey assured her headily. It had been close to twenty years since he had been called dear boy, at least to his face.

On a particular Sunday Peter Champneys was making for his favorite haunt, the grass-grown clearing and the solitary and deserted cabin by the River Swamp. It was to him a place not of desolation but of solitude, and usually he fled to it as to a welcome refuge. But to-day his step lagged. The divine discontent of youth, the rebellion aginst the brute force of circumstance, seethed in him headily.

You're too wonderful too utterly " "Allen, don't!" she cried breathlessly. "You forget we're not alone." "I don't care " he was beginning headily, but she wrenched her hands free, and, eluding him, plunged into the excited group at the other end of the room. "Hello, Betty," Mollie cried, her voice high with excitement.

Craigengelt had his own purposes in fooling him up to the top of his bent; and having some low humour, much impudence, and the power of singing a good song, understanding besides thoroughly the disposition of his regained associate, he headily succeeded in involving him bumper-deep in the festivity of the meeting. A very different scene was in the mean time passing in the Tower of Wolf's Crag.

The great circle of the world had dwarfed them to a bitter insignificance: a team of crickets, they seemed, driven by a gnome. The hushed tone of Thatcher's voice made unconscious tribute to this immensity. As they came to the opening of the cañon, the high mountain-top disappeared; the immediate foothills closed down and shut it out. The air grew headily light.