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He took them all in and planted them in soil of extraordinary fertility. It was immediately observed that it was not only one unpopular notion which he had adopted, but a whole headful of them. And every one of these new ideas was a sort of rebel-reformer, a genuine man of war. They had come as a protest against the then existing beliefs and order of things, come as their enemies and destroyers.

Forthwith the considerate hostess appeared before her guest with a headful of disclosures. She had decided in advance that it would not do to beat about the bush, so to speak; she would come directly to the obnoxious point. They were in Mrs. Odell-Carney's sitting-room. Mr. Odell-Carney was smoking a cigaret on the balcony, just outside the window. Mrs. Rodney did not know that he was there.

For pretty much all of my capital consisted of my headful of knowledge of the theory and practice of mechanical engineering which had brought me out first of my class at the Stevens Institute and in that way had got me the offer from the palm-oil people and because of which I thought that there wasn't anybody quite my equal anywhere as a mechanical engineer.

"If that belief were very heartfelt, it should be life and comfort; but meseemeth thy manner of belief is not heartfelt, but headful. To believe that a man lived and died, Phyllis, is not to accept his help, and to affy thee in his trustworthiness. Did it ever any good and pleasure to thee to believe that one Julius Caesar lived over a thousand years ago?"

You tell me that your grandfather was a farmer, and your father was a farmer, and that you have been a farmer for thirty years; and from these premises you deduce the illogical and irrational conclusion that therefore your son must be a farmer." "Young man, you may think yourself very knowing 'cause you have been at the 'Varsity, and swept away a headful of book-learning." "Stop," quoth Kenelm.

The flowers, which are terminal and solitary, are much like a butter-cup of a golden yellow, and exceedingly shining within, and tinged with green on the outsides. 'After the flowre decays, says Gerarde, 'there springeth up a little fine knop or headful of seede. This head of seed alone is left by about May to mark where the plant grew; and even this soon dries up and disappears.

It had been said that the unexpected often happens, although I do not know what learned man of the time succeeded in thus succinctly expressing a great law and any how it matters little, for I have since discovered that these learned men make one headful of brains go a long way by dint of poaching on each other's knowledge. But the unexpected happened in this case, all true enough whatever.

We will walk along the shore. To-night I feel as though I could walk to the rainbow-bridge." He shook back his headful of long hair and drew a deep breath, like a man from whom a burden has been lifted. As they strolled beside the moonlit water, the son of Lodbrok listened in secret amazement to the string of plans that unfolded itself, hunts and horse-races, swimming matches and fishing trips.

I cannot have Aunt Josephina come here to spend the winter, because I have no room to put her in." "Hello, Sally, what's the matter?" asked Ray, coming in with a book. It would have been hard to catch Ray without a book; he generally took one even to bed with him. Ray had a headful of brains, and Sara thought it was a burning shame that there seemed to be no chance for his going to college.

I didn't know any, and I wished Catherine were there with her headful! But Madam Kittredge has a headful of her own. She had me get out two or three books and look up some that she thought might do, but they didn't just suit her; and then she had me open her clipping book and hunt for one called Indian Summer. It was just the thing and I loved it the minute I read it.