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"Monsieur Duval lent him some money; he has taken a shop, where he works on his own account; and, as for me, I go to school." "Yes," replied I, remarking for the first time the cross that decorated his little coat; "and I see that you are head-boy!" "Monsieur Charles helps me to learn, and so I am come to be the first in the class." "Are you now going to your lessons?"

I disapprove of tale-bearing, I never encourage it in the slightest degree; but when one pupil systematically persecutes a schoolmate, it is the duty of some head-boy to inform me. No pupil has a right to take the law into his own hands. If there is any fighting to be done, I am the person to be consulted. I disapprove of boys' fighting; it is unnecessary and unchristian.

To Lionel I am so distant a kinsman! to his wife, to his children, what can I be? A rich old man; the sooner he is in his grave the better. A few tears, and then the will! But, as your nephew says, 'This life is but a school; the new- comer in the last form thinks the head-boy just leaving so old!

Adams, our head-boy, who had a turn for mathematics, had made a calculation, I was informed, of the time this Dictionary would take in completing, on the Doctor's plan, and at the Doctor's rate of going. He considered that it might be done in one thousand six hundred and forty-nine years, counting from the Doctor's last, or sixty-second, birthday.

But, as is usual with Dickens, there are subsidiary rills of story running into the main stream, and by one of these I should like to linger a moment. The head-boy, and a kind of parlour-boarder, at Mr. Creakles' establishment, is one Steerforth, the spoilt only son of a widow.

When I, in my turn, became head-boy, I fixed "The Three Sundays" early in May. It so happened that year that the Thursday after "Cock-hat Sunday" was Ascension Day, when we also went to church, but, it being a week-day, we wore our school caps in the place of high hats.

"Monsieur Duval lent him some money; he has taken a shop, where he works on his own account; and, as for me, I go to school." "Yes," replied I, remarking for the first time the cross that decorated his little coat; "and I see that you are head-boy!" "Monsieur Charles helps me to learn, and so I am come to be the first in the class." "Are you now going to your lessons?"

He then turned to his class and said "And now tell me what did the Sunchild tell us about God and Mammon?" The head-boy answered: "He said that we must serve both, for no man can serve God well and truly who does not serve Mammon a little also; and no man can serve Mammon effectually unless he serve God largely at the same time." "What were his words?"

Wickfield having at length arranged the business. It happened to be the Doctor's birthday, too. We had had a holiday, had made presents to him in the morning, had made a speech to him through the head-boy, and had cheered him until we were hoarse, and until he had shed tears. And now, in the evening, Mr. Wickfield, Agnes, and I, went to have tea with him in his private capacity. Mr.

Then we always put off writing our exercises till the last moment; if there were a book to be finished, or if we were lost in thought, the task was forgotten again an imposition. How often have we scribbled an exercise during the time when the head-boy, whose business it was to collect them when we came into school, was gathering them from the others!