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Don't ye know that if I was to go hazin' round in the mornin' without no clo'es to speak on, an' takin' comfort in a howlin' pig, that I shouldn't be up to keepin' a hotel? Don't be unreasomble; and, Mike, don't ye never speak to me about my old woman. That's a sort o' thing that won't set on her." Mike shook his head in lofty pity. "Ah, Jim, I can see what ye're comin' to."

My fingers shook while with show of nonchalance I resumed adjusting the halters. "Gosh! Looked for a minute like you and him was to have it out proper," Jenks commented, matter of fact, when I came in. "Hazin' you a bit, was he? What'd he say?" "He warned me to keep away from Mrs. Montoyo. Went so far as to lay claim to her himself, the whelp. Boasted of it." "Throwed it in your face, did he?

Maybe you don't toy with nothin' cheaper than a twin-six." "Well, you can ask anybody if Casey Ryan's the man to git big-headed! Money don't spoil ME none. There ain't anybody c'n say it does. Casey Ryan is Casey Ryan wherever an' whenever yuh meet up with him. Yuh might mebby see me next, hazin' a burro over a ridge.

Open defiance was one thing Steve had not looked for. "Looking for more trouble yet, Blenham?" he asked briefly. Blenham shrugged. "I'm tendin' to business," he said slowly. "No, I'm not lookin' for trouble yet. Since you want to know, I'm hazin' them cow-brutes the shortes' way off'n Number Ten an' on to the North Trail.