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"Oh, why limit one's absorption to business?" replied Corthell, sipping his wine. "Is it right for one to be absorbed 'altogether' in anything even in art, even in religion?" "Oh, religion, I don't know," she protested. "Isn't that certain contribution," he hazarded, "which we make to the general welfare, over and above our own individual work, isn't that the essential?

"A princess from Punt," the neighbor surmised. "A priestess from Babylon," another hazarded. "Nay, ye are all wrong," quavered an old man who had been looking at the new-comers under the elbows of the crowd. "She is an Israelite." "Thou hast a cataract, old man," was the scornful reply from some one near by. "She is no slave." "Aye," went on the unsteady voice, "I know her.

"Well, you've got to like some people more than other people," hazarded Annixter, "and I want to be one of those 'some people, savvy? Good Lord, I don't know how to say these fool things. I talk like a galoot when I get talking to feemale girls and I can't lay my tongue to anything that sounds right. It isn't my nature.

"Good!" he hazarded at random. It was always good to find things. But he wondered at the radiance. "My romance that I knew was somewhere. I've found it! I told you so!" "Found it where?" he demanded. He was unconsciously stirred by her emotion. He followed her glance to the little House of Flaggs. "Not there?" "Yes, there. Stefana is dreaming it over a lapful of red roses.

"Nature needs meddling with at times," hazarded La Fosse, from behind His Majesty's chair. "This Saint-Eustache is a sort of Pandora's box, which it is well to close ere " "Go to the devil," said the King shortly. "We are not jesting. We have to do justice." "Ah! Justice," murmured La Fosse; "I have seen pictures of the lady.

"Yes," answered Agnes, the wildness of her former accents subsiding into almost solemnity; "the safety of thy noble countess shall not be hazarded through me. Leave me with my husband, add but this last mercy to the many thou hast showered on me, and the blessing of God will rest on thee and thy noble wife forever."

In like manner, the conflict of the elements of the moral man and that of blind instincts must have ceased, and a coarse antagonism in himself, beiore the attempt can be hazarded.

The catastrophe of Ulm, striking new terror into the Prussian counsels, prevented the violation of the territory of Anspach from being immediately followed by the declaration of war, for which Buonaparte must have made up his mind when he hazarded that measure.

Some years ago James Payn, the novelist, hazarded the reckoning that one person in every five hundred was an undiscovered murderer. This gives us all a hope, almost a certainty, that we may reckon one such person at least among our acquaintances. The author was one of three men discussing this subject in a London club.

And was this all to be hazarded for the sake of gratifying a party, who always shrank from the measure when in power, and who always renewed it only as a means of recall from their political exile? His biographer rashly denies the reality of those dangers, and says, that the Reform Act has not produced any of the calamities which his lordship then saw in such ominous prospect.