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Behind them lay two long, low, ugly-looking craft, at sight of which Yeo gave a long whew. "Galleys, as I'm a sinful saint! And what's that big one inside of them, Robert Drew? She has more than hawseholes in her idolatrous black sides, I think." "We shall open her astern of the galleys in another minute," said Amyas. "Look out, Cary, your eyes are better than mine."

The skipper, as his wont was, gave the order in a stern tone of command, and resigned the tiller to Grummidge, who came aft at the moment. The men saw with surprise that a heavy squall was bearing down on them from the eastward. Mutiny flew, as it were, out at the hawseholes, while discipline re-entered by the cabin windows. Even Big Swinton was cowed for the moment.

The service had received serious injury by admitting men on the quarter-deck from before the mast; it occasioned there being two classes of officers in the navy namely, those who had rank and connections, and those who had entered by the "hawseholes," as they were described.

"I say," I cried, as we rowed by an enormous junk, with high poop and stern painted with scarlet and gold dragons, whose eyes served for hawseholes; "think she's a pirate?" "No," said Barkins, giving a look up at the clumsy rig, with the huge matting-sails; "it's a tea-boat."

Finding that the ship was enabled to keep her station, he ordered the crew to thrust the whole of the enormous ropes through the hawseholes; and, freed from the restraint, he abandoned the anchors, until an opportunity to reclaim them should offer.

The old ship herself longs to look out upon the land from her hawseholes once more, as Jack Lewis said right the other day when the captain found fault with his steering. “Why, d’ye see, Captain Vangs,” says bold Jack, “I’m as good a helmsman as ever put hand to spoke; but none of us can steer the old lady now.