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"It takes a man to go up against Merriwell." "I hope you don't mean to insinuate " "Oh, no!" interrupted Tad. "I have said it." "Eh? I hawdly think I understand, don't yer know." "Think it over," advised the little soph as he turned away. It is probable that Bruce Browning was more thoroughly disgusted than any of his friends. "Confound it!" he thought.

You know it won't stop its racket till somebody stops it or it is run down, and it takes an hour for it to run down after it starts in to ring you up." "By Jawve!" drawled Paulding; "I hawdly think I'd like to have one of the blooming things in my room." "I don't like to have one in my room, but it is absolutely necessary that I do. Hartwick, my roommate, admires it!" The listeners laughed.

What it was came out a few mornings after, when he called at Number 5 Carondelet street. "The Doctah is not in pwesently," said Narcisse. "He ve'y hawdly comes in so soon as that. He's living home again, once mo', now. He's ve'y un'estless. I tole 'im yistiddy, 'Doctah, I know juz 'ow you feel, seh; 'tis the same way with myseff. You ought to git ma'ied!" "Did he say he would?" asked Richling.

Strang was a particular friend of both men. Douglass smashed his fist in silent gratitude. "Guess we'll manage to give them a run for their money. Have a cigar?" "I've got those letters, Ken," said Red casually. "Better read 'em oveh; they shore are interestin' lit'rachure. Thu gettin' of 'em ain't obleegated yuh none, an' mahself hawdly enough ter talk about.

"I don't wonder none thet gloom has settled in one great gob oveh thu achin' souls of this yeah outfit. Why, I'm so sad, mahself, thet I kin hawdly eat pie!" Nevertheless he cast avaricious glances at Douglass's portion of that comestible and later took advantage of his abstraction to filch the savory morsel.

"I think somebody ought to do something to that fellaw I really do, don't yer know." "Suppose you try to see what you can do with him," grinned Tad Horner. "You ought to be able to do something." "Aw really you will hawve to excuse me!" exclaimed Willis in alarm. "I hawdly think I could match his low cunning, don't yer understand." "Oh, yes, I understand," nodded Horner, significantly.