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The dog's acute powers of smell detected the presence of some person in the box: fortunately, however, for the Dead Man, the owner of the four-legged inquisitor, having transacted his business, called the animal away, and left the store. Mr. Hartless, in the course of some further desultory conversation with Mr. Jameson, casually remarked

'You do me honor, replied Mr. Hartless, a flush of pride suffusing his face; then, going to his desk, he wrote in bold characters, at the top of a sheet of paper 'Donations in aid of the Society for Supplying Indigent and Naked Savages in Hindustan with Flannel Shirts. Paul Hartless. $100.00'

'Brother Hartless, said he to the proprietor, 'I have called upon you in behalf of a most excellent institution, of which I have the honor to be President; I allude to the 'Society for Supplying Indigent and Naked Savages in Hindustan with Flannel Shirts. The object of the Society, you perceive, is a most philanthropic and commendable one; every Christian and lover of humanity should cheerfully contribute his mite towards its promotion Your reputation for enlightened views and noble generosity has induced me to call upon you to head the list of its patrons which list, he added in a significant whisper, 'will be published in full in the Missionary Journal and Cannibal's Friend, that excellent periodical.

For shame, Barnet! what ninnis, what hartless raskles, you must beleave them to be, in the fust plase, to fancy that you are a politticle genus; in the secknd, to let your politix interfear with their notiums about littery merits! "Put that nonsince out of your head," as Fox said to Bonypart.

Paul Hartless, with its valuable contents, no longer existed, but had given place to a heap of black and smoking ruins! The reader is now acquainted with the manner of the Dead Man's escape from Sing Sing State Prison, and the circumstances connected with that event. The African and his Mistress the Haunted House Night of Terror.

Hartless! that was an unfortunate observation you made relative to the expiration of your term of insurance. Your words were overheard by a miscreant, whose close proximity you little suspected. Your abominable treatment of that poor man is about to meet with a terrible retribution.