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He had been a member of the Lower House and Senate of Connecticut, and for six years Mayor of Hartford, when in 1861 he went into the war as Colonel of the Twelfth Connecticut Regiment.

Bliss was a capable, energetic man, with a taste for humor, and believed there was money for author and publisher in the travel-book. The proposition pleased Mark Twain, who replied at once, asking for further details as to Bliss's plan. Somewhat later he made a trip to Hartford, and the terms for the publication of "The Innocents Abroad" were agreed upon.

The new classes of steamers preparing for sea, of which the Hartford and Iroquois are types, promise to be most efficient ships, and to reflect much credit upon our naval authorities for their bold, yet judicious departure from traditions which had long hampered the administration of this important branch of the public service.

So they wanted to run away by themselves. When the administration called for militia these states refused to obey. The Hartford Convention, just after our successful war with Great Britain, proposed some amendments to the Constitution, and justified secession as a remedy for an uncongenial union, but one that "should not be resorted to except when absolutely necessary."

Samuel Hart, Hartford; J. E. Heald, Tariffville; S. J. Horton, D.D., Cheshire; J. T. Huntington, Hartford; J. W. Hyde, West Hartford; Prof.

There are two portraits of West, one by Allston and one by Leslie, in the Boston Athenæum, and a full-length, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, in the Wadsworth Gallery in Hartford, Conn. One of West's pictures did a great deal for his reputation, although it was quite a departure from the treatment and ideas then in vogue; this was the "Death of General Wolfe" on the Plains of Abraham.

Clemens's dream to return and open the beautiful home, with everything the same as before. The death of Susy had changed all this. The mother had grown more and more to feel that she could not bear the sorrow of Susy's absence in the familiar rooms. After a trip which Clemens himself made to Hartford, he wrote, "I realize that if we ever enter the house again to live, our hearts will break."

The article on the Wayte family, in the January number of the NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE, has provoked much pleasant comment in Lyme, the birthplace and summer home of Chief Justice Waite, and New London, the residence of Hon. John T. Wait. The History of Hartford County in two splendid volumes, press of Ticknor & Co., of Boston, is now being printed, and will be ready for delivery in a few weeks.

To that kind of letters we all write answers which we do not send, fearing to hurt where we have no desire to hurt; I have done it many a time, and this is doubtless a case of the sort. X , California, JUNE 3, 1879. Mr. S. L. Clemens, HARTFORD, CONN.: Dear Sir, You will doubtless be surprised to know who has presumed to write and ask a favor of you.

A convention was to be held at Hartford, consisting of delegates from the five New-England states and the state of New-York, for the purpose, among other objects, of devising more efficient measures for the supply of the army. Judge Hobart, Egbert Benson, and General Schuyler were the delegates.