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Then, noting the unwavering, genial gleam in Harlan's eyes a visible sign of Harlan's knowledge of his deep emotion Linton seized one of the other's hands and gripped it tightly.

Apparently, if Deveny now elected to draw and shoot, his chances were as good as Harlan's. And yet Deveny knew they were not as good.

Then, with the gaze of every man in the outfit upon him, he strode toward the stable, where Lanky and Poggs were standing, having witnessed the death of their confederate. They stiffened to immobility as they watched Harlan's approach, knowing that for them the incident was not closed their guilt plain in their faces.

But no man could have told that he looked at Laskar directly, except Laskar himself, who would have sworn that Harlan did not remove his gaze from him, once he had slipped from Purgatory's back. For Harlan's eyes told nothing. They seemed to be gazing at nothing, and at everything.

The emotion that passed over Harlan was not visible. It might have been detected, however, by the slight leap in his voice. "You an' Latimer is bosom friends, I reckon?" "Shucks!" Rogers' glance met Harlan's for a fleeting instant. "This gang needs cleanin' up," said Rogers. He got up, and stood in front of Harlan, holding out the cinch buckle, as though offering it to the other.

Harlan was in control there for the rider who had come in with the news that Harlan had set out for the valley had also apprised Haydon of the coming, to the Rancho Seco, of the men of the T Down outfit. The rider had not been able to tell Haydon who the men were, of course; but it made little difference. They were friends of Harlan's, for they had come from the direction of the desert from Pardo.

"Yore cross fire did it, Lacey; that was the whole thing," Johnny smiled. "Yo're all right!" Red turned and looked out of the window toward the Oasis and then glanced at Buck. "Reckon we better burn Harlan's place it's all that's left of that gang now," he suggested. "Why, yes; I reckon so," replied the foreman. "That's as " "No, we won't!" Hopalong interposed quickly.

"Day before yesterday Dolver an' me meets up in Lamo, an' Dolver asks me to help him give Morgan his pass-out checks on the ride over to Pardo which Morgan's intendin' to make. I ain't got any love for Morgan, an' so I took Dolver up." "You're a liar!" Harlan's fingers were sinking into Laskar's shoulder again, and once more the man screamed with pain and impotent fury. "I swear " began Laskar.

I'd admire to make you feel like you'd ought to have got started a week ago." Deveny smiled with hideous mirthlessness. But he again caught the flame in Harlan's eyes. He wheeled, saying nothing more, and walked across the street without looking back.

The girl was alert to detect a certain expression in his eyes a gleam that would tell her what she half feared that the motive that had brought him with her was like that which had caused Deveny to hold her captive. But she could detect no such expression in Harlan's eyes, she could see a quizzical humor in his glances at times, or frank interest, and there were times when she saw a grim pity.