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Dyckman she's got the whole second floor front, she and her husband and the daughter it was Mrs. Dyckman who interested me in the suffrage movement. You must hear her speak. And the daughter does well at it, too and keeps a fashionable millinery-shop and she's only twenty-four. Then there's Nora Blond." "The actress?" "The actress. She's the quietest, hardest-working person here.

Any letter like yours, which is written with such earnestness, and in a time of illness, is a serious call to think about religion. I do not intend to neglect this because I am not inclined to use the same language. When Jowett became Master, his pupils and friends gathered round him and overcame the Church chatter. He was the hardest-working tutor, Vice-Chancellor and Master that Oxford ever had.

Germany is a rich, very rich, country in the sense that it has the most intelligent, hardest-working, most fiercely economical, and the most rationally and most easily contented population of any of the great powers. But Germany is not rich in surplus and liquid capital as compared with England, France, or America. It is the more to her credit that her capital is all hard at work.

Those particular ants may be all that the naturalist paints them, but I am persuaded that the average ant is a sham. I admit his industry, of course; he is the hardest-working creature in the world when anybody is looking but his leather-headedness is the point I make against him. He goes out foraging, he makes a capture, and then what does he do? Go home? No he goes anywhere but home.

The unquestioning obedience which they gave Frederick was given not merely because he was their king, but also because they knew that he was the hardest-working man in Prussia and tireless in his devotion to the state. If Frederick had suddenly changed into a lazy, depraved, capricious tyrant, his "obedient" Prussians would have soon showed him that there were limits to his power.

His neighbors, who had got along a little better than himself, were free with advice and suggestion as to the cause of his persistent poverty. Old man Bacon, the hardest-working man in the county, laid it to Burns's lack of management. But the larger number, feeling themselves in the same boat with Burns, said: "I d' know. Seems as if things get worse an' worse.

You might as well attempt to yoke an elk and teach him how to haul a cart." "Oh, nonsense, Farrel! You're the hardest-working man I have ever known." Farrel smiled boyishly. "That was in Siberia, and I had to hustle to keep warm. But I know I'll not be home six months before that delicious mañana spirit will settle over me again, like mildew on old boots." The captain shook his head.

Of course, I've been on a farm, but not to live there." "Writers and orators have lied so long about 'the idyllic' in farm life, and said so much about the 'independent American farmer, that he himself has remained blind to the fact that he's one of the hardest-working and poorest-paid men in America. See the houses they live in hovels."

JONG THINKALOT had not ruled over his new kingdom for more than a couple of days before my notions about kings and the kind of lives they led changed very considerably. I had thought that all that kings had to do was to sit on a throne and have people bow down before them several times a day. I now saw that a king can be the hardest-working man in the world if he attends properly to his business.

He therefore considered it advisable to measure the reaction-time of the girls, and to eliminate from service all those who showed a relatively long time between the stimulus and reaction. This involved laying off many of the most intelligent, hardest-working, and most trustworthy girls.