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Orden here, you associate yourself with a traitorous breach of the law." Mr. Stenson made no immediate reply. He looked towards Julian, as though to hear what he had to say. "Mr. Hannaway Wells's advice is, without doubt, technically correct," Julian admitted, "but the whole subject is too great, and the issues involved too awful for etiquette or even propriety to count.

I believe that the inevitable change of government in Germany will show us a nation freed from this hideous lust for conquest, a nation with whom, when she is purged of the poison of these last years, we can exist fraternally and with mutual benefit." "You are a very sanguine man, Mr. Orden," Hannaway Wells remarked.

The Bishop, more from custom than from any appetite, walked across the Park to the Athenaeum. Mr. Hannaway Wells accosted him in the hall. "This is a world of rumours," he remarked with a smile. "I have just heard that Julian Orden, of all men in the world, has been shot as a German spy." The Bishop smiled with dignity. "You may take it from me," he said gravely, "that the rumour is untrue."

Jocelyn was there, taking two of them on, and butting in sometimes against Hannaway, who'd tackled me. Then I began to get my strength back, and I think I should have settled Hannaway, but the door opened softly and I saw Katharine's face. She gave a little shriek, and Jake Hannaway got me just at the back of the head.

"Personally, I think they will," Hannaway Wells pronounced, "but if I should be wrong if they shouldn't the French Revolution would be a picnic compared with the German one. It takes a great deal to drive a national idea out of the German mind, but if ever they should understand precisely and exactly how they have been duped for the glorification of their masters well, I should pity the junkers."

My own opinion is that we shall hear nothing more about the matter." Nora turned and looked at her companion with big, startled eyes. "But it was Jake Hannaway," she exclaimed, "whom they accused of making a row!" He stopped her, without impatience but firmly. "Jake Hannaway died the next day," he said. "I must have hit him harder than I thought or Jocelyn did! He had no relatives, no friends.

"One could apprehend and fear a great possible danger," Lord Shervinton observed, "if the Labour Party in Germany were as strong as ours, or if our own Labour, Party were entirely united. The present conditions, however, seem to me to give no cause for alarm." "That is where I think you are wrong," Hannaway Wells declared.

"And I," Hannaway Wells retorted, "have been informed most credibly that he is a Church of England clergyman." "The last rumour I heard," Lord Shervinton put in, "was that he is a grocer in a small way of business at Wigan." "Dear me!" Doctor Lennard remarked. "The gossips have covered enough ground!

Hannaway Wells reflected, "whether the present generation is not inclined to be mawkish with regard to human life. History has shown us the marvellous benefits which have accrued to the greatest nations through the lessening of population by means of warfare." "History has also shown us," Doctor Lennard observed, "that the last resource of force is force.

Hannaway Wells prided himself upon never being surprised. This time the only way he could preserve his reputation was by holding his tongue. "We are now prepared to hear your mission," Mr. Stenson continued, turning to his visitor. "I imagine," Julian began, "that you know something about this new Labour Council?" "What little we do know," Mr.