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"Now as soon as you're in bed, just call to me and I'll put out the light in the kitchen and go to bed myself," she said "And I'll take the little doggie with me, and make him comfortable for the night. I'm leaving you a candle and matches, and if you feel badly at all, there's a handbell close by, mind you ring it, and I'll come to you at once and do all I can for you."

"Waiting for you, father," she answered, touching a small handbell by her side. "Try one of those peaches. Burdett says they are the finest he ever raised." He stretched out his hand for one, and sinking into a low basket chair, commenced lazily to peel it, with his eyes wandering over the sunny landscape.

Trevise's last, but effective, resort to tinkle a little handbell and scold one of the waitresses whom its sound would then summon from the kitchen. This bell was tinkled not always by any means for my sake; other travellers from the North there were who came and went, pausing at Kings Port between Florida and their habitual abodes.

And as the preceding Semiquaver rang a handbell, this shaked the sprinkle with his fist. With that says Pantagruel, This order contradicts the rule which Tully and the academics prescribed, that Virtue ought to go before, and Fortune follow. But they told us they did as they ought, seeing their design was to breech, lash, and bethwack Fortune.

Appleton felt to the real green turtle soup set before him, when he said that it was almost as good as mock. The entertainment on this occasion was of the most varied character. The programme makes the following announcement: Friday, 4 July, 18-. At 8 P. M. the Doors will Open. Mr. Haweis will receive his Friends. The Royal Handbell Ringers will Ring. The Fish-pond will be Fished.

I left her with it about midnight, as I told you; about four in the morning she aroused me with the news that the body had vanished. What I did after that you know. Now you had better hear the story from herself. Logan rang a handbell, there were no other bells in the keep, and asked the old serving-man, when he came, to send in Mrs. Bower.

I think I rang my bell." "You did ring your bell." "Ah, yes; I know. I am going away, and I wanted my would you tell Rafferty to bring me my boots?" Whereupon Johnny rang the bell not the little handbell, but the other bell. "And I shan't be here to-morrow," continued Sir Raffle.

He could only remember that she was the mother of his child, and that she lay ill but two rooms away from him dangerously ill, as the doctors had unwillingly confessed on that very day. The darkness was closing in upon him, and he took up the handbell to ring for lights.

Struggling for breath, he sprang up in his bed, and instinctively snatched the handbell at his side. He was hardly aware of ringing it, so great was his agony but presently, regaining a glimmering sense of consciousness, he found Mary's arms round him, and saw Mary's eyes looking tenderly into his own. "David, dear David!" And the sweet voice was shaken by tears. "David!

A small handbell was rung, two pieces of old carpet were drawn back, and the little girl made her bow to the audience in a costume as near to that of Mignon as she and her mother could make it. She sang: 'Connais-tu le pays ou fleurit l'oranger? and other airs from the opera in a small, bird-like voice, unaccompanied by any music.