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So again the fountain of half-whistled, half-trilled notes bubbled with the acme of pleading intonation and that time he leaned and softly kissed her as she reached her bill for the caress. Then she fled in headlong flight, while the streak of flame darted after her. The Girl caught her breath in a swift spasm of surprise and wonder. She turned to the Harvester.

The Harvester ran his fingers through his crisp hair, pulled it into a peak, stepped to the seat and sitting on the railing, he lifted his elbows, tilted his head, and began a motley outpouring of half-spoken, half-whistled trills and imploring cries. There was enough similarity that the Girl instantly recognized the red bird. Out of breath the Harvester dropped to the seat beside her.

Oldbuck half-whistled, half-hummed, the end of the old Scottish ditty, O, first they eated the white puddings, And then they eated the black, O, And thought the gudeman unto himsell, The deil clink down wi' that, O! His sister hastened to silence his murmurs, by proposing some of the relies of the dinner.

Oldbuck half-whistled, half-hummed, the end of the old Scottish ditty, O, first they eated the white puddings, And then they eated the black, O, And thought the gudeman unto himsell, The deil clink down wi' that, O! His sister hastened to silence his murmurs, by proposing some of the relies of the dinner.

The man who cannot go to Heaven without a vow may go Here, standing erect, in the middle of his library, and rolling grand, his pause was truly a curious compound of the solemn and the ludicrous; he half-whistled in his usual way, when pleasant, and he paused, as if checked by religious awe. Methought he would have added to Hell but was restrained. I humoured the dilemma. 'What!

It had hardly died away when a quavering, high-pitched voice started 'God Save the King, and with a sturdy indifference to pitch the rest followed, the octogenarian who had begun it sounding clear above the others as he half-whistled and half-sang the anthem through his two remaining teeth. 'That's old Hills! cried Elise, laughing hysterically. 'He was at Sebastopol. The crowd was coming away.