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At a sign from Eveena, I had by this time approached close enough to hear the language of half-envious, half-supercilious wonder in which the schoolmistress congratulated her pupil on her signal conquest, and the terms she had obtained, as well as the maiden's unaffected acknowledgment of her own surprise and conscious unworthiness.

Her brain merely filtered learning like a sieve; but she thought Maria Edgham was a wonder, and it was really through her, and her alone, that she obtained any education. "What makes you always say 'have went'?" Maria would inquire, with a half-kindly, half-supercilious glance at her satellite. "What had I ought to say," Gladys would inquire, meekly "have came?"

"Aye," said O'Sullivan, "but it is not by the ringin' iv the bell it is done." "Well, how is it done then?" said the other, with a half-offended, half-supercilious air. "It is done," said O'Sullivan, as he returned the look with interest, "it is done entirely by jommethry." "Oh! I understan' it now," said O'Reirdon, with an inimitable affectation of comprehension in the Oh!

White Violet and the rest, eh? But SHE'S not in it?" No reply. "Hand me over that package. I'll give it back to you again." The boy handed it to Mr. Hamlin. He read the letter, and found the inclosure contained a twenty-dollar gold-piece. A half-supercilious smile passed over his face at this revelation of the inadequate emoluments of literature and the trifling inducements to crime.